I'm building a 250g tank with 2 corner overflows with four 1 inch holes total. I'm planing on the siphon and open channel in one box and the emergency in the other.
My understanding is I will need to use 1.5 in pipes after the bulkheads. Is this correct?
Also any suggestions on handling the stagnant water in the one overflow that is only housing the emergency.
To be honest, the Bean system is not really suited to dual corner overflows. I don't know of any that have successfully setup a dual corner overflow bean system.
That does not mean it cannot be done.
The non-functional overflow, can be filled with an oolitic aragonite, given fairly strong water flow over the top of it, and instant mini-dsb. I have my doubts that it would be very effective, as effectiveness depends on surface area, just as much as it does depth, and a corner overflow has zilch for surface area.
Some may suggest a "dual herbie" setup, but these are anything but stable, whether joined together below or not, they will be a problem getting in sync, which is unlikely anyway.
What size pipe you need to use depends on the length of the drop, and your proposed flow rate (not a guess.) 1" holes will max at around 1500 gph, using 1.5" pipe above and below the bulkhead, with a 24" drop. That is just a questimate. It will in any case be less than 1660 at a 24" drop.
All things considered, corner overflows, and bottom drilled tanks, have been made obsolete by longer more efficient overflow and drain designs. It is my hope that in the not to distant future, the mass producers get the hint that their stuff is not getting the job done, (well demonstrated by the movement toward more efficient designs,) and stop making these things.