That being said, it is never going to be that simple. There are other relationships that must be considered: where the top of the weir is placed, the length of the waterfall, and the water level in the overflow.
So 1 7/8" down may not clear the trim, and possibly will not allow enough head pressure to get the siphon going.
Using the minimum from the bottom of the lip @ 2 3/4" might get you into trouble, and you will most likely end up ~ 3 1/4" down. This places the top of the weir at the bottom of the trim on the outside (hiding the waterline) and gives ~ a 1" waterfall into the overflow. Much higher than that, and there will be some noise most likely.
Thank you uncle for your information. Parts will be hard to source, just trying to track stuff down in advance. Only have purchased bulkheads as that was with a recent online order.
I have checked all 3 of my 55's and 1 is not tempered (the vertical panes anyways), that is the one I'll be working with.
Good advice for the unions, I guess I can always hacksaw and use a coupling if I need to down the road. Also didn't think to make sure the bulkhead nut fits w.r.t. the trim!
I guess where I'm not clear is with the relationship of bulkhead placement, weir height, waterfall length and not having enough pressure to get the syphon going. I can't get my head around how it all comes together.
Is the overflow height based on the position of bulkheads or is it determined a different way?
So I can't just see where the nut clears and place my bulkhead based on that? If not I"m confused as to how it is determined (sorry :sad2 * EDIT: I can't just clear the trim as I am assuming that would put the hole within 1 hole diameter from the edge of the glass so that is what determines where the highest point of the bulkhead can be? Did I get it? lol *
My pump will push approximately 550gph at 4' in a perfect world, not sure how much I'll lose due to friction ect. Its outlet is 3/4". Can I use a bushing and immediately up the diameter to 1" or will that make no difference?
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