So, I have got my bean animal method implemented, but I am running into getting some sound from it. My bulkheads were 1 1/2", so I of course went with 1 1/2" PVC for my plumbing. I'm thinking that I need to do a 1 1/2" to 1" elbow for the main drain. It doesn't matter if I have the ball valve for the main drain fully open or the siphon fully open or closed or barely open on either one. I still get the sound.
Here's a video to show ya'll.
Video with sound for example.
A 6 second video taken from one location, does not tell a whole lot.
First thing I would do, is cut the teeth off the overflow. The channeling is likely at least one source of the noise, and you barely have a trickle of flow in this tank, which should be up around 1800gph give or take, and with the teeth, is going to get louder. Teeth are counter productive to the whole purpose of an overflow, which is surface skimming/renewal, with as little noise as possible.
Second thing I would do is bush the bulkheads down to 1.25", and use 1.25" SDR-21 pipe (cl 200,) switch positions of the siphon and dry emergency, and see if that box is big enough with down turned ells as woody indicated, on the siphon and open channel.
To me it does not look like you have enough flow to start 1.5" bulkheads/drains, of course this is rather theoretical, as there is not really sufficient information yet, to call it "the way it is."
This looks like a commercial setup, if not I apologize, however I am not at all impressed with this type setup, and other examples that are showing up here and there. With some examples, the through-holes are in the wrong place. The internal is too small, and inefficient, (especially this example with a 180 gallon tank,) the external is too small, (both horizontally and vertically,) and the system will not fit without modifications, nor much flexibility at all. Such is with all things that are based on minimal dimensions, rather than actual performance. Some say they work fine, but I am not convinced.