Silent and Failsafe Overflow System

Oh Yeah

Oh Yeah

the tank has no stickers, labels, or marks of any kind on it. The fellow I got it from told me it was an AGA brand tank so thats what I'm goin by. Hopefully it isn't tempered because I want to use BeAn's design with a closed loop circulation.
Glad I could help Gary! I know how it is - every time I build a system, I still have that "moment of doubt" to make sure I have considered everything.

The truth is, afterit is up and running, you will still find there are some things that you wish you had done, or had done differently. We all do. But as long as they are small things - and not the major things, great!
If you would like, you can visit my latest bild thread here:!!!
Any questions are welcome, and I wish you the best of luck on your build.:thumbsup:
Can someone help me find hole placement (how far down from the top of the back) I am supposed to drill this tank of mine.

Also 1.5" bulkhead will handle a 130 gallon system easy right?
BUlkhead sizing sounds fine Scott -

The best advice on placement I can give you is to go to the orginal page of this thread. I am not being smarmy - I just frankly can't remember all of the info accurately enough to tell you with complete confidence.
This thread split at the 40 page mark. Go to the very first page - Bean did an incredible job with graphics, that will help you with figuring out exactly where to place the holes.
The first five or so pages have virtually all of the info you should need to be successful.
And, if any question remain, post here!
BUlkhead sizing sounds fine Scott -

The best advice on placement I can give you is to go to the orginal page of this thread. I am not being smarmy - I just frankly can't remember all of the info accurately enough to tell you with complete confidence.
This thread split at the 40 page mark. Go to the very first page - Bean did an incredible job with graphics, that will help you with figuring out exactly where to place the holes.
The first five or so pages have virtually all of the info you should need to be successful.
And, if any question remain, post here!

I dont know how many times I have gone back to that first page but never really got to the 5th one to review again I will go now hastly.
I found it in the first page it is 4.25" down from the top trim to the center line of the drill holes and 6" from the trim is the bottom of the overflow box.
I just wonder if there is any variation to these dementions? If there is a way to make the center hole line shallower so that way the overflow box can be shallower and therefore take up less space in the tank for aquascape?
I just wonder if there is any variation to these dementions? If there is a way to make the center hole line shallower so that way the overflow box can be shallower and therefore take up less space in the tank for aquascape?

1.5x the hole diameter to the hole center line, minimum. You really should not fudge that. As far as aquascaping goes, you really should not have scaping that close to the back of the tank anyway, it inhibits good circulation. If you really want to save space in the tank, go back through this thread a ways, and look at the posts regarding internal/external setups.

1.5x the hole diameter to the hole center line, minimum. You really should not fudge that. As far as aquascaping goes, you really should not have scaping that close to the back of the tank anyway, it inhibits good circulation. If you really want to save space in the tank, go back through this thread a ways, and look at the posts regarding internal/external setups.


So if I use a 1.5 bulk head with 1.5 piping I would need to do this equation
[1.5 x 1.9 (actual dia of pipe)] = 2.85 so I would want to make my center line horizontal at 3" to be safe?
So if I use a 1.5 bulk head with 1.5 piping I would need to do this equation
[1.5 x 1.9 (actual dia of pipe)] = 2.85 so I would want to make my center line horizontal at 3" to be safe?

A 1.5" bulkhead uses a 2.375" hole. So the center line of the hole will be 3.5625" from the edges of the glass, minimum. Adjacent hole centers should be 4.75" apart, minimum.

Is the 1.5 bulkhead over kill would it be easier to use the 1" and bush it accordingly like bean did? I am looking to get roughly 1200 gph (120gal system x10)
Upon further reading bean had stated previously that his set up can handle up to 3000 gph easy so I guess I will just leave it at that and use the orginal 1" bulkhead with 1.5" piping.
Thanks Gary - be sure to leave a comment on that thread pleas.
But not hi-jack this one, a 100 gallon tank can have all of the wiz-bang that a big one can have!

I had 1 question if any can help me out,I am getting ready to start the plumbing and was wondering at what height would I put my open channel at?I have an external overflow and I was afraid of water dropping to far(loud) from my DT into my overflow,if that makes sense