So This Is My 150 - lots of pics

You have an amazing looking tank and I am very impressed and want your tank! its beautiful. great job and the corals and fish look flawless. keep up the good work!
I actually added a few more fish (believe it or not). Saw a few female Tuka Anthias at the LFS, which is a beautiful fish with a very poor survival rate due to it's difficulty to get eating and get enough food for it. I couldn't just sit there and watch them try to feed them flake. I knew they would stand a much better chance in my tank. I realize that I may be contributing to them providing near impossible fish, it was quite the dilemma.

Got three (unfortunately 1 died the first night), the surviving 2 have been doing ok. 1 is eating pretty good, and the other is eating a little. Have had them about 3 weeks now. They are very shy, but have survived the onslaught from the other fish and are out all day. They are not swimming all over the tank, they pretty mush stick to one area. Been feeding frozen mysis, brine, and cyclopse. The tuka (at least one) has been going for the cyclops fairly well, the other not so much, just a bit here and there. Gonna try some frozen Daphnia today, will let you know how it goes.

Will post some pics of them soon.
Some pics of the Tuka and a couple more FTS.





Your tank is beautiful, what else are you planning to do? New skimmer, pump etc...

Thanks, unfortunately funds will prevent me from doing much more at this time. The ultimate plan is to upgrade to something much larger...300, 500, 1000 gallons??? :spin2:

Great tank!!!

Thanks, I appreciate it.

awesome tank!

Thanks, I appreciate it.

You have done a great job on your tank sir. What kind of return pump are you running. There was not a picture focused on that.

Thanks, return is a Mag18.
I've spent a long frustrating afternoon plucking yet ANOTHER hair algae outbreak out of my tank... and I'm not done yet.

The only reason i don't get out of the hobby is looking at pictures of tanks like yours.. inspires me to keep at it.

Just a lovely tank. The photography isn't too bad either!