SPS pics from my tank

:eek1: Wow! What an amazing colony, growth structure is fantastic. Your other corals/colonies aren't shabby either. :beer:

Thanks for the compliments guys! The tricolor has been removed to gove the SSC some space, it's a little out of control how much it's growing and fairly soon I'm going to have to mess up that great growth structure. :(

I'll try to get some updated pics soon.
Peter you have a fantastic collection! I found your thread looking for the RR redbull. You have accomplished what all of us strive for, but few succeed at, congrats. I would love to here your opinion on your RR collection. I've read both the naysayers and the believers but your pics look real and unsaturated. Oh, and beautiful.
Peter you have a fantastic collection! I found your thread looking for the RR redbull. You have accomplished what all of us strive for, but few succeed at, congrats. I would love to here your opinion on your RR collection. I've read both the naysayers and the believers but your pics look real and unsaturated. Oh, and beautiful.

Their corals for the most part are colored up wild cuts. For that reason alone it's a near impossibility that the corals will end up looking like the original colony or the frags taken from that colony. Some of their corals have taken ages to settle in and color up to anything for that very reason. Sabertooth is a finicky SPS, grows slow, and is the first coral to show signs of distress when something is a little out of whack. Red Bull looks quite different as it grows out from what the frags and "colony" looked like, but I love that coral. Luckily it has settled in nicely and growth is starting to take off. Others have been slow to establish and look very different now than they did for the first 6 months I had them.

I can look at the at corals like I do my wine collection... Reef Raft corals (or any wild sps) are kind of like an older vintage burgundy. They're finicky and unpredictable, when they're right they can be spectacular, when they're just a little off they're totally forgettable and you're asking yourself why you spent so much money on a bottle of wine. Are my reef raft corals really worth the extra money and hassle that comes along with them? They probably wouldn't be to the average hobbyist... To the average person something like Red Planet is probably prettier than red bull. Much like most people would probably like a big chewy hedonistic zinfandel over that bottle of burgundy. So, I guess I like a challenge and things that are less common when it comes to my wines and my corals ;)
Awesome mate. I restarted a tank because of a few bubbles. New seeded rock/ceramic. Crashed it, too sterile and bouncing Alk due to hardly any rock. Luckily I kept the rock in a tub -it's now back in the tank, thanks to you.
Some more recent shots... I lost a little color with certain corals, there are a few things that could have contributed to that, but not exactly sure why. I'm back on track and heading in the right direction again though.

Don't think I've posted this before...

Want to start blasting the icefire to see if more light will bump the growth...

Green Efflo with TDF peeking out below

what a nice colors and corals. really awesome. what kind of system are you running?? cant find some info so fast. beatyfull tank
what a nice colors and corals. really awesome. what kind of system are you running?? cant find some info so fast. beatyfull tank

Thanks for the compliment!

CA reactor, big skimmer, and nothing else special of note. No dosing other than MG and playing around with dosing nitrate every now and then. Lights are 250w radiums with no supplementation.
Beautiful tank, Peter! This is one of those threads where I see a stunning tank, and it truly inspires me. I recently moved to a new house, I tried to move my mature 180 gallon tank from my old house in the process, and I lost several mature colonies and a few fish in the moving process despite my tedious efforts to make a safe transition. I'm back to several small frags in my tank, and your tank provides me with motivation to keep moving on... A reminder of what I'm striving for. Thanks for sharing.
The SPS and photography are awesome. I admire your dedication and I agree with you 100% on not getting into this hobby to save money:thumbsup:

Which camera/lens are you using?
The SPS and photography are awesome. I admire your dedication and I agree with you 100% on not getting into this hobby to save money:thumbsup:

Which camera/lens are you using?

Thanks! Just using a cheap Olympus underwater camera most of the time, have a rebel T2i that I rarely pull out, I should get it out for a FTS and some better shots soon.
Beautiful tank, Peter! This is one of those threads where I see a stunning tank, and it truly inspires me. I recently moved to a new house, I tried to move my mature 180 gallon tank from my old house in the process, and I lost several mature colonies and a few fish in the moving process despite my tedious efforts to make a safe transition. I'm back to several small frags in my tank, and your tank provides me with motivation to keep moving on... A reminder of what I'm striving for. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks man, really sorry to hear about the loses. This is actually the second iteration of this tank after I lost several corals and colonies to pests and general disrepair from starting a new job and traveling a lot. So, keep at it and you'll have a great tank again before you know it!