:eek1: Wow! What an amazing colony, growth structure is fantastic. Your other corals/colonies aren't shabby either. :beer:
Peter you have a fantastic collection! I found your thread looking for the RR redbull. You have accomplished what all of us strive for, but few succeed at, congrats. I would love to here your opinion on your RR collection. I've read both the naysayers and the believers but your pics look real and unsaturated. Oh, and beautiful.
Peter, do you recall how many lbs of rock you have in your display/sump? Thanks.
what a nice colors and corals. really awesome. what kind of system are you running?? cant find some info so fast. beatyfull tank
The SPS and photography are awesome. I admire your dedication and I agree with you 100% on not getting into this hobby to save money:thumbsup:
Which camera/lens are you using?
Beautiful tank, Peter! This is one of those threads where I see a stunning tank, and it truly inspires me. I recently moved to a new house, I tried to move my mature 180 gallon tank from my old house in the process, and I lost several mature colonies and a few fish in the moving process despite my tedious efforts to make a safe transition. I'm back to several small frags in my tank, and your tank provides me with motivation to keep moving on... A reminder of what I'm striving for. Thanks for sharing.