SPS pics from my tank

Sorry about the loss of the fish. That can be quite heartbreaking. :(

Corals look super nice as usual; with excellent deep colour! - Exactly how I prefer SPS corals to look. That Aquascene Icefire looks awesome! :thumbsup:

Have a question for you: Do you have any idea how much PAR some of these corals are getting?

No clue on the par, one of these days I'll get a par meter and check things out.

Dosing small amounts of potassium nitrate has deepened up the colors on certain corals nicely. In particular the more neon orange, reds, and greens. I couldn't keep a Monti cap or setosa from looking pink or orange sherbet in color for the life of me for the last few years, getting nitrates detectable has changed that.
sorry to hear about the fish ... but your corals are popping ! really nice and thanks for sharing the pics.

Thanks for the compliment! Some of those fish hurt pretty bad, a few of them I have had for 10 years and since they were tiny. But, I'm back up on that horse and have another healthy little copper band and a thriving and healthy powder brown, a fish I've wanted but haven't tried in about 30 years and since I was about 10 years old. Thursday a magnificent foxface and another pair of Watanabe angels shows up along with some pseudochromis. I'll also be adding my purple tang that has been roaming my frag tank for far too long.

Later this years coming a terrifying attempt to move and convert this all into a 300 gallon tank... :worried:
Love the colors of the tank. Sorry for the fish loss it hurts when you have had something with you that long.. Following this one for sure the transition to a 300 should be a ride =).
Awesome Thanks - the electric bill was about $75 more but totally worth it. I cant wait for them to come on to be honest.

Wih 4 250w MH running in my house my electric bill is a little painful. But, I'm not in this hobby this to save money on electricity, I'm doing it to have the nicest looking tank I can.

Thanks for the compliments Acronic and cFloor!
Amazing tank! It's truly incredible to see tanks in my local area (i'm from Milwaukee as well). Nonetheless congrats on keeping a stunningly simple and elegant tank
I still cant over over how beautiful this piece is:

Sure makes my day seeing it fully coloured and healthy. :)
Thanks Peter for sharing these beautyfull shots of your corals! It's truely inspiring me to get my twin 180s back into coral shape.