Sump Design


Active member
I posted this in t he reef discussion forum but got no replies, so I thought I'd try here.

I'm designing a sump for my new 125 (72x18x24) which should arrive early February. I've come up with 2 basic designs. I'd welcome some input and critique on these before I start putting it together. Drawing is not to scale and I plan on using a 45 long or a standard 55. Opinions please. Thanks


  • sump.doc.doc
    26 KB · Views: 1
the first design is the basic design that most people use,
the thing about the second design is that you're breaking up the fuge into two separate compartments, any particular reason?
no special reason other than to be different. Also I kinda wanted the return to come from the center. Someone pointed out to methatthe first design was flawed in that all flow goesthrough the fuge, which may be t oo much, so I'm redesigning. Thanks for your input