Tank of the month - October 2002

MtnDewMan said:
Thanks Angela ... I try to keep the pictures coming ... but it gets old taking pictures of the same ole' stuff though huh?

Glad to help sdg ...

melev ... that clam shows it's color like that because ... it IS truly that color :)

I don't think it could ever get old, Chuck! I mean, with the growth you get, it's always new:D!

G'day Chuck
I just wanted to let you know that I have read your hold
set up and I think that it is a great looking tank and very
well planed out, the pumps,lights reactor the works really
neat and very impressive, hope it keeps going well to the
future. thanks for sharing your pics and lay out.

I just wanted to say, congratulations on tank of the month!!!!!!!!! I have been impressed by your tank since the first day I saw it, and being that I have a 75 gallon sps reef also, your tank has definitely been the inspiration for mine. Way to go!!

Newreeflady ... you know I will keep taking pictures ... I can't resist ... hehe

cisco ... thanks for the great complements, I do try to do my best :)

spsphreak ... wow, that is a nice thing to say, thanks.

ReefDream .... Thanks :)
Excellent Reef Tank and well deserving of the recognition. I enjoyed the detail of the maintenance-free aspect of your set-up. I too travel a lot and am looking to make mine as low maintenance as possible. Congratulations.........

Thanks Tim ...

I always strive to make things easier if possible, I could really use an automatic acrylic scraper for optimal viewing ... hmmm, anyone come up with one of those yet? I guess I will have to dig my arms in the tank each week still huh?

Thanks again
Great tank!
Just a short question.
Where is the Closed Loop bulkhead located?
ie. how many inches from bottom of tank and is it
dead center?
Also if you have to do again, would you put it at
the same location?
I wanted to make sure the closed loop intake is relatively accessible as the strainer requires periodic maintenance (removing and cleaning). Therefore I located it approximately 12" from the right hand side and approximately 10" from the bottom of the tank, meaning it is about 6" from the top of the sand bed. I figured if sand piled back there for any reason there would still be at least 4" between the sand and the inlet.

So far I have not regretted the location one bit, but as things grow more and more in the tank, it is increasingly more difficult to get access to the strainer for cleaning.
Thanks for the reply.
A few more questions.
I noted that you have two sea swirls mounted on left and
right of the tank.
How far are they mounted from left and right end of the tank?
Which direction is the sea swirl pointing at end of motion?
Is it 45 degrees left and then right of center?
Or at a different angle?
Considering that you have stong circulation pumps
how do you deal with sands being blown in the tank?
Also did you modify the outlets on the sea swirls?
Best regards,
How far are they mounted from left and right end of the tank?

The left one is about 12" from the side, the right one is about 6" from the side. The overflow box on the left prevents me from putting it 6" from the side.

Which direction is the sea swirl pointing at end of motion?

On the right hand side, the end of motion is along the back of the tank on one stroke, right at the front of the tank on the other end of the stroke.

On the left side it is different because of the overflow box, so it is positioned at 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees

Considering that you have stong circulation pumps, how do you deal with sands being blown in the tank? Also did you modify the outlets on the sea swirls?

In order to use the full capacity of the pump, I had to remove the nozzle outlets from the sea swirls. They force a jet of water against the front glass that inevitably creates a sandstorm as the water moves down the glass. Instead of the nozzles, I installed 90 degree PVC elbows to the outlets instead. I now utilize the full pump output with the dispersion through the sea swirls less of a jet effect.

Hope this helps.
Updated Picture

Updated Picture

Thought I would provide an updated picture as of Oct 14, 2002 ...

Elegant design and function. Your tank is gorgeous and obviously very well conceived and constructed. To have a tank that beautiful with a minimum of maintenence is real science.

The clams are awesome. Congratulations on rising to the very top of the hobby!