Teebone's Epic 210G SPS Build

Your wire management is something to be envious of! Great job.

Thanks, I still can't believe how well things turned out.

Looks really good! Love the electronics panel.

Thanks Phil, I am sure your electronic panel will be incredible with all the gear you have collected for your new build.

Schweet! Looking good man!

More pics!


Thanks, coming from the guy with the ultimate "Schweet" system!

Man o man, what a nice build!!
Can't wait to see this baby grow some serious acro bush!! (Got that saying from sahin but I plan to use it as often as I can)

Can't wait either for some serious acro-bush :)

Very tidy. Display looks very nice. :beer:

Thanks sahin, slowly but surely :beer:
Needed to add a little light under the tank, so I picked up some LED under cabinet lighting with a motion sensor to activate power on/off.

..and here's how things look..

Also have added 3 fish (Kole Tang, Chrub Angel, and Lemon Chromis), a hammer frag, and a Flame BTA and things have been good so far. I am hoping the Flame BTA stays on its own island, as it will be the only way that it will keep its longterm lease in my tank:)

My plans are to add a few more lps and from my old system over the next couple weeks if the new additions continue to do well. Here is an action shot…

I have also added more flat rock behind the islands so they can be seeded and assist in managing the bioload. I will eventually move these pieces down to the sump where they will be out of site and easily tucked away because of the narrow plate shape.

…And then a little mishap…. just minutes after I took these pics, a family member came running telling me that water was shooting all over the place under the tank:eek:

Apparently the line came loose from the return pump and water was everywhere. Luckily we caught it fast and could cut power and get things cleaned up. I thought the connection was secure, as I had made certain things were tight on the barb/hose fitting. I added some more reinforcement and will have to think of another way to ensure that this NEVER happens again, as things could have been much worse:rolleyes:

It was also coincidence that I was asked just minutes before this happened by another reefer (jroovers) what paint I used to waterproof the inside of my stand. I sent this pic of the product to him and here's anecdotal proof that this stuff works…

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Lol Tyler, everything looks great. Good to hear that you felt it necessary to test the product that you recommended to me mere minutes earlier :thumbsup:

Can't believe how that cherub's HLLE has rebounded in your system(s). Looking forward to more photos, including eventually of some SPS :)
Wow, good catch, glad you caught it in time. I am using the same light on my cabinet - it is awesome.
added some pods, coraline flakes, some more fish, and a few frags :)

here are some pics..

Top view

Side view

Kole Tang

Lemon Chromis

Mystery Wrasse

Cherub Angel

Gladiator Clown

Other Gladiator Clown and Flame BTA

"Survivor" acro frag
Looks great T! When you say that the acro frag above is a survivor... does that mean bad news for the rest of the acros you had in your holding tank? :(
Nice additions! I'd love to keep an angel...so so tempted when I see pics of them. :(

I would like to have a few if possible, but at least this cherub has not developed a taste for any of the good stuff. I know jroovers ran a tight ship when he had him, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he stays in line :D

Wow, good catch, glad you caught it in time. I am using the same light on my cabinet - it is awesome.

Good choice, I really like that it comes in three strips so that can be customized. The hands free sensor will be handy for wet hands too:)

Life! Nice!!

Finally :) it's been a long wait.

Can't believe how that cherub's HLLE has rebounded in your system(s). Looking forward to more photos, including eventually of some SPS :)

and here he is..

Even though my kids have grown attached, I am sure he would prefer to back within your digs again soon ;)

Looks great T! When you say that the acro frag above is a survivor... does that mean bad news for the rest of the acros you had in your holding tank? :(

Yes, it's named "survivor" for a reason. I lost almost everything in my frag tank over the summer. Bad times :(
Looks great Tyler! If you don't want the angel long term I can take him back, that said not sure how you are going to get him out of your tank now. You seem to have brought his health around as well.

Everything looks good, you certainly are off to a great start. :)
Its been a long process, but finally starting to fill with some "select" livestock.

Very strange, my Nitrates have climbed to 20-50ppm! Considering its a new tank, I didn't think this was possible to have such a high level so early. My current bioload being on the lower end and using new rock. Jroovers came over and we checked with his test kit and it was consistent. Looks like its time to implement a regular water change schedule.

I managed to get my phosphates downn from 0.10 to 0.03ppm, so I am happy about this. Looks like the time and effort that I put into "cooking" my rock has paid off.

Also added a bottle of Doc's Eco-matter to start growing out the pod populations, I usually stray away from magic potions, but am hoping this is genuine pod diversity.


Actually added a sandbed too, after I was debating going barebottom. I decided there is more life diversity that can benefit from a sandbed, including sand dwelling wrasses (which I have a history of keeping) ;)


Did a 10% water change, so I will see if my Nitrates are lowered.
How are those frags looking? Did you do a water change and a retest?

You need a new FTS, this tank is a stunner, going to look phenomenal when filled with corals and when they grow out.
Yes, a new FTS is definitely in order!

How are those frags looking? Did you do a water change and a retest?

You need a new FTS, this tank is a stunner, going to look phenomenal when filled with corals and when they grow out.

While I still need to provide an updated FTS (not much has changed), I can provide another update as I have been getting my sump finished over the last few months

Here was a sketch for the dimensions I needed, so I had it custom made. Went with glass as opposed to acrylic so that I could remove baffles if anything changed in the future and needed to increase or decrease the sizing of baffles, and glass is less expensive;)

Fuge on the left, skimmer in the middle, and return on the right.

Finished product...

Added a Bubble King Supermarin 200

..and a Vertex RX-U 1.5 reactor

...and tied things together with my drains and manifold made up of a bunch of flexible pvc, unions, shutoffs, and a gate valve

Still need to tie in my reactors for biopellets, GCO and GFO, and test out my water change system.
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