The Final build.... 210+ gallons of SPS Domination!

moved around some rock... still not 100% happy the right side is closer to the front and is not getting as much light as I would like. I am sure that will change when i put on some 80* optics but I really want to make sure that all my SPS are getting plenty of light :).

FTS as of today


PurpleMonster in recovery mode, finally getting its purple back :)

Fuzzy, it went from being all white bleached, to Nuclear green.


I am quite satisfied with the amount of Punch these LED's have on the tank, I am going to just add 2 80" T5s in order to fill any Gaps of light with something at least, Thinking of Going Blue+ or maybe going with some Actinic white types and control the amount of blue by adding some blue's(I can replace 6 Red's and put them on the white drivers) instead of RB to diversify the Blue color.

Nice def looks better with more rock it was looking dwarf like with the two little islands nice job. Except the blue maxima clam looks too small in your tank I should take that off your Hands lol. Nice job bro keep it up. Can't wait to break me a piece of that purple monster. It'll be a purple for a purple remember member lmao
Thanks yea, i was going to make it 2 giant islands but got tired of trying to fit rocks like puzzles! lol, I still have some work to do on the right side but it will deff all be done before i buy any other SPS.

I am going to epoxy everything once i feel its right, this way it will never be moved again. Stability!!!

Thanks for offering to care of the clams but no thanks lol.
Thanks man, just enough to keep that 3- 5 time turn over on the display, frag tank, and fuge is a tad bit slower. I need a bigger pump though, i cant really power my reactors like they should be and i am still missing one. According to the chart it was supposed to get about 1200gph at 14feet. My tank is at about 12ft, and its split with a 2 to feed the frag tank, and fuge.

Little update, pictures from today and working on a little video clip, i just cant get the exposure right with the gopro unfortunately :( so may be over exposed a little...

I took a PAR reading with my LED's alone the other night and was pretty happy with the results.

Where you see the purplemonster(top left) i had 300 and change
the Green acro with white polyps had about 230 more or less(brace is covering some of the light.
GARF Bonsai on right getting around 280 to 300
Valida getting around 200ish just liek the green its covered by the brace a bit
Bubble Tip getting around 200(has not moved so my guess its happy)
Clams, around 150(i may move them dead center for more par)
Hawkins around 150 but found that in my old tank it liked lower light anyways also LED and its a baby of the mother colony
Ponape is getting around 200 seems to be coloring up after initial shock(was all white now greenish purple)

I am now going to add another 2 T5's to the mix(2 ATI Coral plus) both 80w, so that should bump my PAR up just enough to even the sand bed out to around 200. will test again as soon as i have the bulbs(ordered).

I do need to also add maybe 2 more pumps to the mix, maybe 2 6045s one at back left and another back right pointing towards the front. I think that may be enough, and i also Modded my Tunze, and cut out every other tooth on the covers, and i now see an undertow effect.

Close ups:
Valida: really starting to grow now that it encrusted the rock

GARF Bonsai:
Real slow recovery and i unfortunately see some dead flesh on the opposite side, relaly hope it makes it :( took me forever to get a piece.


white polyp something(i will call it Incredible SPS! who will pay 10000 for a polyp? lol) has really come a long way from all white, to brown, to green/white polyp

PurpleMonster: my precious!! got it as just a tiny 3/4" frag and its now mini colony, if it was not for my buddy Cato! it would not be with me anymore thanks bro!! almost there!!

Hawkins: doing great best out of all lol

Wife wanted a bubbletip: so here is the Cato Special!

I will upload a video later, just have to finish it and upload!
Thanks guys :), i could not finish the video since i was having some issues trying to correct the color... but will try to finish it tomorrow.

Need my T5s now, and bigger skimmer!!!!!!
I believe your on to something ;)...... only took like 4 years lol. You back in CT now? Hope the family is good :)
i absolute love this thread, and look forward to any updates from our boy Madtanks :) its very hard to find threads from local forums with any real substance... so i appreciate your journey, and i am very grateful that you share it with us :)

great job bro, though i may have said it before...

Damn bro I really like how open your rockscaping always looks. Makes me want to tear my tank apart. Wish I had you around when I put my tank back together last spring :beer:
Thanks Guys, much appreciated..... up and down, craziness.... i still have a ton to do unfortunately and not enough money lol. have to pay off a few bills here before i make my next big move.

I have enjoyed your thread as well Pallobi, like seeing all your SPS grow from tiny babies... great feeling huh!

Icy, man i dont know if i would do it even if paid! lol My back still killing me from trying to orginize all the rock work lol.

Im currently rendering a little video of the display(FTS) and Filtration, little walk around but i am no artist so please take it easy on me lol.

Another thing: I am going to re do my LED rig.... why, bc the 3 heatsinks are just too small for my tank. The light is extremely focust right in the middle of each opening, and I am lacking some light in some important places. So..... here is the new layout(wont happen for a few weeks):

T5----------------------------------T5(coral pro or Blue+ depending on how i like each)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
T5----------------------------------T5(coral pro or Blue+ depending on how i like each)

Each C- Channel will be 3/4" X 60" I am also going to re do my Black braces that are casting shadows with 3/8" Acrylic so that i can get more light in the tank!!! Each LED will be 3" apart side by side, and each Channel will have 1" gap between each other. With it being at about 11" i think i will have enough spread from the LED's and if i have to i will add an additional pair of T5's bringing me to 4 T5's and 120 3W LEDs running at 2.58W each.

Power usage total at the end of the day: 320(T5) + 310(LED's Each running at 700ma with vf of 3.7): 630

But im pretty confident that the new Layout plus the Dual T5s will be plenty, and it certainly beats: 3: 400W MH + 4(80W) T5's to offset the color temp depending on Bulb: 1520w!!
Thanks fellas, you gotta come over Franky and get me some footage with that bazillion dollar Camera ;).