the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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I think this may actually be a good thing. PETCO's already doing a lot for mariculture and aquaculture, and by having some actual professional practices go into place on the saltwater side may help more than hurt. My local PETCO's in Stilwater, Ok is great for saltwater, due to a devoted saltwater rep that knows what he's doing. I've been to some other PETCO's that are horrifying though. Lawrence, Ks has a decent tank setup to sell corals, but their lighting is completely wrong for it. Kind sad that there are t5 fixtures with bulbs that would save them for sale not 5 feet from the tank.
I think the show is good entertainment and I'm sure you don't see half of what goes on with. Acclimation and all. Anyone seen the other one fish tank kings out of miami they have done some cool stuff like going over 700 hundred feet down in submarine to get fish for a clients tank that's inpressive
I've seen a few of ATMs tanks that they have installed and have been going for a while and they are just amazing. The TRex Cafe in Kansas City has several of their tanks and they all look amazing.

The resteraunt does employee a person to take constant care of them, but the fish are all large, look healthy, and seem to be rather immaculate. I think a lot of people get bent out of shape and think that they don't know what they are doing, but the fact is that those people don't know what the guys at ATM are really doing. AP wasn't looking to film an instructional video, they want people who like fish to watch their show.

The other show? Fish Tank Kings? They weren't any better, in fact I think they were worse. You had nerdy Francis always crying about stuff that everyone else ignored while Jose tried to build stuff around the bosses half assets ideas. It was all a bunch of BS drama and they had many of the same practices that ATM has. Yeah, build an aquarium that is gonna get his with a baseball... That won't stress the fish out...
I have looked throgh here and I just have to throw my 2 cents into the mix. Part of the reason that I have a saltwater tank. For a while I had wanted a tank but it wasn't until my wife and I and our 3yr old started watching tanked that my wife saw the beauty in the tank. I did my research and didn't just go for what I saw on the entertaining TV, and so far I think I have had a successful experience with saltwater tank keeping (except for my own stupidity, which looking back I should have known better).

I will share a Tanked! story of my own. As stated prior, my family are avid watchers of the show. Not too long after I started the cycle my wife said that I had to watch this episode that they had watched earlier. It was a community tank that had a dog-faced puffer. I was still new to the world of salt so I checked on live aquaria and saw it was semi-agressive...and immedialy jumped the gun and thought like lionfish agressive. After some persuasion from my wife I sent them an email about it as well as my question about cycling...and I got a REPLY (actually 2 of them).

The reply was specific, drawn out, and customized not a canned responce. Seemed genuine, and like they truly cared about my question. Here is what I sent and what they sent back.

Here is what I sent:

I am not sure who to direct this question to, so that is why I have sent it to multiple people. My 3yr old and I LOVE watching the show and being able to share our love of fish together. Other then in college I cannot remember a time in my 33yrs that I have been without a fish tank in my house, heck my sons first word was fish...ya, did not make mom happy at all. What your show has done for the aquarum world has been invaluable, no longer are fish tanks considered not cool. My love for the lionfishm runs about as deel as Waydes love of the octopus, sadly I cannot get my sone to join this love...he is more interested in the sharks and the bright fish like the chromis. Combined, our love of fish and your show has inspired me to venture into the world of saltwater and out together a tank for him for Christmas. This is not a move I have taken lightly, I have spent countless hours reading books and articles as well as being a member of multiple saltwater/reef community boards on the internet. I have 2 questions when it comes to the tanks on your show, one is specific and one is general.

On the show that aired last week, the realitors community tank, one of the fish that you put into the tank is the dogfaced puffer. Can you please explain to me how this fish goes along with a community tank? From what I have found on puffers (a fish I LOVE too) they are not what I would have thought of as a community fish. In checking liveaquaria it shows it as a semi-agressive carnivore. Am I missing something here when it comes to this fish, or is it all about the introduction to the tank??

My other question is general. On the show it looks like you show up with the tank, put the sand and coral insert in, fill with the natural sea water, and then put the fish in. Is this process done throigh the magic of tv or do your tanks not cycle? I am guessing that since you are using the livesand with the premixed salt water that there would not be a salinity issue and since you are using a coral insert and not live rock there is no ammonia or nitrogen issues....thus solving the problem of the home aquarist.
If I have sent this to the wrong person please accept my apologies. Thank you for your time and we LOVE the show.

From Jacque King (ATM Retail Manger)

"Exceptions to all rules but the general thought is that dogface puffers eventhough they are carnivore they will no bother fish that are round in shape and are not small. Anything it can fit into its mouth it probably will. Secondly what you see in 45 minutes really takes us around 150 hours of filming so you do miss the cycle process on the show for the most part. You still have to cycle the aquarium and depending on how you want to cycle it will take from 2 weeks to 6 months. Please feel free to contact me with anything that I may not have answered for you and with any other questions as well. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and thanks for watching the show"

Other anwer came from a guy named Nick, no idea who his title is. In the email chain you can see where Brett forwarded my email to him.

"The answer to your first question is a fuzzy answer but it should shed some light on the subject for you. Puffers can be agressive yes, especially when they get to a large size, if they are under 10" long then they are normally ok but occassionally you get an agressive one. I personally recomend a porcupine puffer for most community tanks as they are less agressive and will tend to leave other fish alone. Again this is only opinion and you will have the occassional one that will kill and eat everything. Get one that has been in a store for a couple of weeks and has been eating well.
Your second question is a little easier to answer. A lot of the setup is "movie magic" but it is done rather quickly, we install the aquarium and use the live sand ect... We also add a concentrated bacteria that cycles the tank almost instantanously. After the fish have been added and all of the filming is complete we have maintenance check the tank daily for 2 weeks after install to ensure the water is stable and the fish are healthy. This is not the ideal way to setup a tank but it is what we have to do for he show. Patience is always best when it comes to building a miniture enviroment in your home.
I hope this answers your questions but if not please feel free to contact me and I will help you the best I can. Have a great thanksgiving."
lol, threads like this are hilarious. Words that come to mind...unrealistic, elitist, naive, and arrogant.

It's a show, and the majority of the U.S. population can handle running and maintaining a reef. It does take time (so does my laundry, dishes, and dusting), but its not rocket science.
I havent gotten to start my tank yet due to an upcoming move and lack of funding for a rad skimmer and have been obessive researching...

So i go to my local dealer to maybe get advice and price out some things...holy crap. They were telling me i could have a tank set up and running by the end of the day...nope. they say a sump is pointless and proceed to try and sell me a regular filter. Oh and their own reef tank was disgusting dirty. Red algae in one and the other over run with green hair... had i not been researching so much i probly would've bought that nonsense.
lol, threads like this are hilarious. Words that come to mind...unrealistic, elitist, naive, and arrogant.

It's a show, and the majority of the U.S. population can handle running and maintaining a reef. It does take time (so does my laundry, dishes, and dusting), but its not rocket science.

Sure they can, just like they are able to do research before getting into stuff...oh wait...

Maintaining a reef is a little harder than doing your laundry or washing dishes; and requires significantly more knowledge. Please tell me you didn't just make that comparison.
I've seen a few of ATMs tanks that they have installed and have been going for a while and they are just amazing. The TRex Cafe in Kansas City has several of their tanks and they all look amazing.

The resteraunt does employee a person to take constant care of them, but the fish are all large, look healthy, and seem to be rather immaculate. I think a lot of people get bent out of shape and think that they don't know what they are doing, but the fact is that those people don't know what the guys at ATM are really doing. AP wasn't looking to film an instructional video, they want people who like fish to watch their show.

The other show? Fish Tank Kings? They weren't any better, in fact I think they were worse. You had nerdy Francis always crying about stuff that everyone else ignored while Jose tried to build stuff around the bosses half assets ideas. It was all a bunch of BS drama and they had many of the same practices that ATM has. Yeah, build an aquarium that is gonna get his with a baseball... That won't stress the fish out...

i get bent out of shape, because NONE of us should be supporting anything on or related to animal planet. period. they support the hsus and if you dont know what they are about, you need to look it up asap. they want to take away the right to own ANY and ALL animals for any reason. right now their focus is mainly on reptiles and the beef industry but it'll get turned to fish eventually.
i get bent out of shape, because NONE of us should be supporting anything on or related to animal planet. period. they support the hsus and if you dont know what they are about, you need to look it up asap. they want to take away the right to own ANY and ALL animals for any reason. right now their focus is mainly on reptiles and the beef industry but it'll get turned to fish eventually.

+1, not to mention kill shelters and a huge amount if money to fund political campaigns instead of taking care of animals. Look at their financials they are on line!
Sure they can, just like they are able to do research before getting into stuff...oh wait...

Maintaining a reef is a little harder than doing your laundry or washing dishes; and requires significantly more knowledge. Please tell me you didn't just make that comparison.

Yes, maintaining a reef is a feat of great knowledge, dedication, and only the cognitive elite are capable of it.
Yes, maintaining a reef is a feat of great knowledge, dedication, and only the cognitive elite are capable of it.

I believe it involves more patience and discipline than intelligence. You can be savy in the books but so impatient when it comes to things such as this hobby. Reef fast and you crash is what I always say.
I think the ATM guys get a bad wrap from the editing of their show! Yeah, some of their methods are unconventional; but for the most part, we are not seeing 95% of the work being done after they edit the crap out of it.

With that said, they are tank builders, and do a fine job of it! Many can argue that they should do things differently when it comes to stocking fish right away, but not many will argue about their tank making ability.

Even if they don't practice the proper ways to cycle a tank, PETCO needs all the help they can get. Hell, I would even visit one if I knew ATM was making their tanks!

You can't help but notice that they walk in and then leave a fully (read overly) stocked tank set up in a brand new environment. If they're editing something out it would be the weeks those tanks should have been setup and cycling. Since the one episode I watched they setup a tank and had it fully stocked for the "surprised" recipient of the tank. So that would leave the whole cycling process out in other words not much of a surprise since the tank should have been in that home and going through the Nitrogen cycle for at least a couple of months.

That show is detrimental to the hobby and will result in a lot of dead animals as a result.
I believe it involves more patience and discipline than intelligence. You can be savy in the books but so impatient when it comes to things such as this hobby. Reef fast and you crash is what I always say.

I can accept that. I get annoyed with the whole "the common layman could not run a reef" attitude that seems common on reef central.

There is a big difference between incapable, and lacking interest. Most of us here are biology/fish/nature in general nerds, so the interest is there.

Just think about reality TV shows in general, do you honestly think people are stupid enough to think they tell the whole story? I doubt the show has any significant impact on the hobby. Your big worry should be bans on imports.
Brett and Wade from Tanked spoke at our local clubs conference in the fall. They definitely admitted that there's alot of editing going on and things not being shown. Everyone may not agree with their practices, however, they are very adamant about creating enthusiasm about the hobby.
also if you are putting fish in a glass box and "hoping they live" you really need to get out of this hobby. you should buy them if you are not 100% sure they will survive in your tank.

I realize I'm quoting an old post (post #30), but I just wanted to say how in awe I am to have come across someone with aquarium(s) who has never had a fish die. Ever.

Wow! 100%.

Brett and Wade from Tanked spoke at our local clubs conference in the fall. They definitely admitted that there's alot of editing going on and things not being shown. Everyone may not agree with their practices, however, they are very adamant about creating enthusiasm about the hobby.

Brett and Wade from Tanked spoke at our local clubs conference in the fall. They definitely admitted that there's alot of editing going on and things not being shown. Everyone may not agree with their practices, however, they are very adamant about creating enthusiasm about the hobby.

Enthusiasm only goes so far. In my mind, Brett and Wade are in it to be celebrities and don't give a care of the inhabitants survival. It is evident by the lack of research in their fish choices for their clients tanks.

Hopefully they didn't speak about fish care at your club.
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