The Tang Tank / Tanginator - 265g Build Thread!

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9432490#post9432490 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84

most build threads involve the tank being setup especially by the end of page two wink wink

:lol: :lol:
i know .. i know.
I will plumb tomorrow (saturday) ... i was in orlando for an expo yesterday, didn't get back till 10pm ...
i've been slacking ... i know.

provided i can locate all of the plumbing parts locally tomorrow, i will get the tank plumbed up this weekend.

I'm still up in the air about the stand/canopy ... maybe i'll sand it down sometime next week ... or have lindsey do that while i'll start building the room in the garage.
well this weekend is a no go for me to help out sorry! Damn women think just because they are in the hospital that I should do things to help them out. :lol:
I'll paint you a picture scott, close your eyes and picture the nicest reef tank you've ever seen and I mean ever.

Then imagine that picture taped to marco's wall where his new tank is "supposed" to be.

Then imagine a garage full of dodads, an empty tank and equipment.

Got all that so far. Ok now for the visual.... (keep your eyes closed) and tell me what you see.....

NOTHING. ME TOO! Marco's build thread is now a success!
you guys are funny.

hey scott, is your GTI running yet? when did you start work on that project? almost a year ago? longer? OK then ...

we didn't get all that far today - i have all the supplies, but it took us about an hour & 1/2 just to get another hole in the wall ... thats where we stopped - tomorrow we will plumb.
We also planted about 40 ficus bushes on the side of the yard.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9446099#post9446099 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
you guys are funny.

hey scott, is your GTI running yet? when did you start work on that project? almost a year ago? longer? OK then ...

we didn't get all that far today - i have all the supplies, but it took us about an hour & 1/2 just to get another hole in the wall ... thats where we stopped - tomorrow we will plumb.
We also planted about 40 ficus bushes on the side of the yard.

Is this a car foiurm? LOL My tank is up and running.
I believe marco has a point.... I think his tank would smoke your car at this point....
(I'm having way to much fun with this)
well .. well ... well ... didn't get as much done as i hoped ... had to go & pick lindseys mom up fromt he airport,ost pped by ocean environments & glass ocean to pickup bulkheads ...

1 1/5" spaflex is a PITA to work with ... needs ALOT of space to turn.
I'm starting to think that just regular PVC pipe would've been alot faster & easier to plumb up.

i'm hoping tomorrow we'll continue ... i'm in need of 2 x 1.5" Bulk heads ...
i was going to take some pictures this morning - but then i realized that we didn't clean up last night .... there is stuff EVERYWHERE ... maybe tonight l'll take some.
hmmnn .. i need those bulkheads ... i'll have to call around town tomorrow to see if anybody has them.

here are pictures:




Thats what i need the 2 extra 1.5" bulkheads for:

i need a few of the plastic brackets to hold the pipes on the wall, i need bulkheads, need to wire everything back up, and leak test.

The way the tank is setup, in each of the over flow boxes, i have 2 x drains! there are NO returns in the overflow boxes - the return is run behind the tank & over the back top.

I'm running a Sequence Dart (3600 GPH) @ 0 head / 138 Watt - on this tank it will probably pump about 2400-2800 GPH @ 5-6' head / 150-160 Watt

From sump to pump it's 2" w/ a Union'ed Ball Valve, from pump to tank its a 1.5" Flex & PVC pipe all the way up - then it T's off, for LEFT & RIGHT into the tank.

I'll set the tank up this way, and will not drill it anymore ... If i do decide to go with a CLS downt he road - i will just drop it into the top.
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