Thumbs up for Ozone!

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nunez1980,I just took a old pill bottle and drilled a hole to fit a piece of rigid air line.Then i cut out a hole in the bottom,put a piece of filter floss in the bottom,poured in the desecant.Put in another piece of floss on the top,put the top on attached the air line.Thats it
So what "real world" observations have you noticed about ORP at different times of the day? Other than at feeding time do you see peaks and valleys?

Directed towards anyone that wants to answer.
goes up at night as the pH goes down.

goes down during feeding.

goes down during the day as the pH goes up.

appears to go up and up if the ORP probe has not been cleaned regularly.
how frequent, and on what sized systems are you guys running the 200-300 mv Enaly units? IE, are you running them like 15% of the time, or more like 80%? also, with a dryer or without?

For those running this unit.
Currently mine is on/available 24/7 with an air dryer. The orp controller is set at 350 as I have been slowly bringing it up from 290.

I've observed 350 in the morning before lights on and down to about 319 by eight in the evening.

It wasn't until I crossed the 320 area that I noticed a real difference in the light...that may just be in my head though :)
yes---please realize that "available" doesn't mean on and running. I'm allowing the controller to manage when the generator turns on and off. I've been edging the controller up a little each day or so. I've questioned the sanity of this as well i.e. what happens if the controller flakes out on me? I may very well put it on an extra digital timer soon as I'm approaching an area that I want to get to anyway.
I just didnt want to buy overkill,,, I dont want to risk having a 500% more than I need machine wipe everything out should the controller fail. thats why I ask.

Sounds like a good fit for my sized system, that was my real question.

200g total volume.
I would think you would be fine. I bought the one with a pump and removed the pump. I can always re-install and use on a reactor if need be.
well the "good" thing I see, is that controllers thend to go higher and higher as they get dirty and need cleaning, it would be a different store if it were the other way around ;)

but if you take the unit and put the 70% decrease without air drier with 300, 90 right?, or something on does lines, My house is ussually in the 40-50 humudity range, so I bet we will be fine,

on a side note, have any of you guys have blasted a room, like a guy did in the reviews of the unit, thx

I've been trying to run the Enaly on a 550g system (~400g of water minus sand, rock, etc). I had it running for two hours and it hardly touched the ORP at all.

The problem I have though is that it seems to make my aquacontroller go haywire. Has anyone else had problems running the Enaly on the Aquacontroller? It seems to be interfering a bit with the temp, pH and ORP readings along with causing my DC4HD to repeatedly switch on and off. I managed to get it to work by plugging it into a noise filter and then into a normal outlet (no control). I'm not using x10, so the noise that is typical from an ozone unit is not a concern.
vmiller,i had the same problem when i had the enlay right next to the controller.The controller went wacky.I just moved it about 6" away and it's fine now
carpetride said:
So what "real world" observations have you noticed about ORP at different times of the day? Other than at feeding time do you see peaks and valleys?

Directed towards anyone that wants to answer.

1)goes down during feeding (especially when I feed nori)

2)slowly goes down as detritus builds up on rocks, in clam tank, and in sump

3)goes up significantly shortly after blowing off rocks, siphoning detritus from clam tank, and/or siphoning detritus from sump
I see it is being mentioned again (as with many other ozone threads) that the ORP probes for the Aquacontroller need to be cleaned regularly or else the ORP reading will keep rising. This always confuses me because this hasn't been the case for me. My probe is about 6 months old now. The first time I cleaned it was at the 5 month mark and it didn't make a difference with the ORP readings so I assume it didn't need to be cleaned. My only guess is that those probes that need cleaning on a regular basis to maintain accurate readings probably need to be replaced.
in case i missed anyone responding to this question already...

i called milwaulkee instruments because my brand new orp controller had a reading of 90! whoo!

i called them up pretty quick and the technician said that the probe can easily take 3-5 days to settle.

on the topic of ozone use...

i had an old sanders 100mg just sitting on my shelf. my wife mentioned why i dont have it hooked up! oh yeah! totally forgot about it. hooked it up...a few days later and the water clarity is unbelieveable!!! jeez, what was i thinking or rather, not thinking about ozone use.

yes, caution does need to be used when using ozone. if you are thinking about using it for the first time...definitely read through this thread. awesome info and opinions!
Travis said:
I see it is being mentioned again (as with many other ozone threads) that the ORP probes for the Aquacontroller need to be cleaned regularly or else the ORP reading will keep rising. This always confuses me because this hasn't been the case for me. My probe is about 6 months old now. The first time I cleaned it was at the 5 month mark and it didn't make a difference with the ORP readings so I assume it didn't need to be cleaned. My only guess is that those probes that need cleaning on a regular basis to maintain accurate readings probably need to be replaced.

do you use the regular or lab grade probe? Mine is regular and it is a POS that needs to get cleaned almost every day.
It is the regular. How old is yours? Before you clean it do you notice any buildup on it or anything unusual?
Weird thing has been happening in the last 3 days.

I wake up and the reading on my controller has been high 405, 410 and this morning at a whopping 420. That's way High!

The ozone generator has not come on since the controller is set at 375 and it's not giving any power to the generator.

I do have water still pumping through the ozone reactor.

I'm going to clean my probe; this desen't make any sense.
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