Thumbs up for Ozone!

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well,i got my Enlay with the air pump today.first thing i did was open it up..hehe.I'm making a home made drier and i think i'm going to disconnect the air pump.This is real easy to mod.With the air pump connected i can smell ozone with it disconnected i can't.
cosmo: I did just that tonight. Started by taking out the air pump, drilled a hole in the side of the Enaly and hooked up the red sea air dryer. I had to splice my skimmer air intake with a "T" since the skimmer wasn't getting enough air and I did place the T below the water line close to the intake.

I did manage to spill every single blue bead in the air dryer out onto a wood floor :o

If you get one these be sure to tape up the ends first thing!

Heres my drier addition to the Enlay.I took out the air pump and just drilled a hole on the side of the unit.The supplied hose fit right onto the generator inside
Ok after reading through this whole thread I have decided to add Ozone to my upcoming reef.
What model should i be getting and what dosages?
corro said:
vmichael: thanks! what do tanks not running ozone usually come in at. on average?

I thought everything was clean as a whistle before i stated with ozone.
It was around 228-242; big diff in clarity now and light penetration.
SunnyX said:

I have a Sander 50mg unit that runs on my 240g tank. I have it set at 50% and it only needs to run a few hours a day to produce crystal clear water and an orp in the area of 370-390

what tank size are you putting the ozonizer?

I'm just thinking since these units come in the 200-300, and you are putting an air drier,

I'm thinking on setting one up with an orp controller, and thinking that I want to make sure I put the unit in some hummindity to decrease is performace so I won't affect too much my tank about 140g of water,

thx, and have a good one,


I found this seller, but the question is, you folks keep talking about running your unit at X %, I dont see where there is a place to adjust the output on these models. Are you using the external air pump, and changing that output?

Ive got an Aquacontroller on the way, so the Ozone is next :)

that is the issue, thats the units I'm talking about, they put about 200-300mg/h, thats alot, and you can't change the output, but the way I'm thinking is used with a controller, and maybe with the humidity its performance would be decrease,

HI everyone, I've never used ozone but would like to try it, can someone please show me or point me to a place where I can find out how to use it ?

My guess is running some kind of ozone generator, feed it through an air drier and then plumb it to your venturi skimmer right ??? I have 180 gal mixed reef tank, with an HSA becket jet skimmer.
nunez1980,i used it on my 10 gallon nano with the controller and i also put it on my 65 for awhile.I got the setup for a new 40 gallon setup in my den.I wouldn't use the enlay without a controller.When it was on my 10 gallon i started at 256mv and within 1 hour it was up around 386.Everything is fine even though it went up so fast.Theres no fish in it just some zoos and a couple monti digis.I put the controller probe in the tank,leave it overnight,set it for 390 then turn on the ozone if it needs it.I can't believe how clear the water is in the 40 gallon,it's almost like theres no water in it.
For those running the large and non-adjustable Enaly units, I would recommend putting them on a timer and running them for maybe 10-20 minutes per day to gradually bring up your ORP. In this hobby it seems like nothing good happens fast and nothing that happens fast is good.
Cosmo^Kramer, thx for the info, but still don't get why you are putting an air drier, its there another benefit other than inproving performance, and also don't see why you would want to squeeze out it :)

northbay-reefer, do a search, you will find plenty of info, good luck,

travis, yeah I greed with you 110%, patience we need it :D

nunez, Here is what my aquatic eco systems catalog states about using an air dryer:

"Use dry air or oxygen to produce ozone. Humidity can reduce ozone production by 70 percent, form scale in the corona discharge reactor and produce nitric acid."
Travis, thx for the info, so another reason to use carbon ;)

Cosmo^Kramer, when you get a chance can you list the parts used in your diy drier, would like to make a big one, see all the time people complainint they don't last long before having to cook them, thx

Travis said:
nunez, Here is what my aquatic eco systems catalog states about using an air dryer:

"Use dry air or oxygen to produce ozone. Humidity can reduce ozone production by 70 percent, form scale in the corona discharge reactor and produce nitric acid."

That is true about the scale. Like I said way back when this thread started... We used to run ozone without a air dryer.. We would oversize the ozone unit to make up for the loss..

Yes the scale would be there but my unit came apart and was easy to clean with a brush...

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