Thumbs up for Ozone!

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I picked up a gen x ozone generator this afternoon, going to get a monitor in a few days. I'm pretty much always around so I'm not getting a controler.
Anyone using a gen x generator?
Is a pinpoint monitor a good choice?
Anyone recommend a Sanders 50/mg of ozone with a Milwaukee controller? I have a 72 gallon reef tank.

My skimmer is the Deltec AP600; do I need an extra air pump to drive in air to the ozonizer? Will the venturi aquabee pump pull air strong enough?

Do I need a air dryer? I was comming close to purchasing the all in one Aquazone RedSea ozonizer 50/mg complete with everything for just $319 but refrained after seeing a post here on SPS about how it's having problems understanding how it works.

Anyone want to recommend a good air dryer if I need one??


Mike G
I have a Sander 50mg unit. I have no air dryer or water pump. It is getting sucked into an Aqua C EV400. I think it is an ok ozonizer but it seems to get clogged up and even with frequent cleanings it sounds inconsistent like it is getting blocked up. I am not sure what to do about it. It is a lot better than the RedSea 50mg unit I had before. That unit was terrible even with air drying.
What type of air line tubing am I spose to be using? and what should I set my redsea ozone 100mg at to start. I have a light fish load and 225g tank with 200lbs rock and 125g of water in my sump. I was thinking 50mg 24/7.

You said you use to have a red sea 50 mg right? But I'm talking about the Aquazone Deluxe 50 mg not the one that has a simple dial to lower or increase ozone.

The redsea unit I talk about come with digital display and shows you current ORP in tank, ORP set point, and amount of ozone entering tank all digital display; there is of course a button you move to get each reading as it's only one display.

I read your earlier post and the redsea came to you used, so are you comparing a used redsea to a new sanders?

Just really want to get your honest and fair comparison so I can make my purchase.

I really appreciate all you have shared on this thread, you made my research a lot easier on ozone.

Mike G
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6641677#post6641677 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mikeguerrero

You said you use to have a red sea 50 mg right? But I'm talking about the Aquazone Deluxe 50 mg not the one that has a simple dial to lower or increase ozone.

The redsea unit I talk about come with digital display and shows you current ORP in tank, ORP set point, and amount of ozone entering tank all digital display; there is of course a button you move to get each reading as it's only one display.

I read your earlier post and the redsea came to you used, so are you comparing a used redsea to a new sanders?

Just really want to get your honest and fair comparison so I can make my purchase.

I really appreciate all you have shared on this thread, you made my research a lot easier on ozone.

Mike G

Mike, I would recommend the Sander unit unless you want the added functionality of the ORP controller which comes with the higher-end redsea units. You are correct that I got it used. It worked for a while, then stopped. There was no way to fix or repair what caused it to stop. With the sander unit, there are instructions on how to remove the plate and clean the parts to get it back into shape. That being said, the sander unit is kind of misbehaving right now, so don't take any of my recommendations as gospel. I like the ability to do maintenance on my unit instead of it being a black box that I don't know how to fix. I have an aquacontroller so the added ORP reading on the ozonizer for me is unnecessary.

I would love to hear a glowing recommendation of a long-lasting consistent ozonizer. However, I think that humidity and particulate matter eventually results in the need to clean the unit regularly.

How precise is the dial on the Sanders unit? What kind of increments are on the switch?

Do you run yours at 50, 25, 20, 10 mg ? How often does your aquacontroller shut it off? What is your ORP reading/ cutoff?

Now your aquacontroller just reads ORP in the tank correct and then is programmed for shut off at a dial or is that digital as well?



sorry for so many questions.... Just that I'm still making my decision...
I have no idea how precise it is. It seems precise. It runs 24/7. My tank has over 250g of water running through it. I don't have an air dryer so I am probably only getting about 20-25 mg/hr O3.
The aquacontroller will shut it off if the ORP exceeds 390 or 400, I cannot remember. It never gets that high so it doesn't matter.
I have read through this entire post and have learned a great deal. As a result, I have ordered an ozone generator and plan to begin dosing shortly.

I do have a question for the ozone experts, however. If you have been dosing ozone for some time and have an sps dominated reef, can you provide proof of its benefits?

By proof, I am leaning towards before and after photos but anything will do. I would very much like to see if your colonies/frags have deepened in color or changed to a more pleasing color or have increased growth rates.

Also, can you provide side shots of your reef to display the clarity of the water? If you have had any significant water parameter changes due to ozone, I would like to hear about those as well.

I plan to watch my reef closely as I dose ozone. I am searching for scientific proof that this method is proven.

Anyone have an idea on how to inject the O3 into a cc skimmer? I see a lot of reference to venturi intake skimmers. If I run one of the air lines through a generator, it will be sending a lot of air through it even when not making the O3 and thus I would need to regenerate my dryer media constantly. Could I stick some form of venturi on the pipe leading to the skimmer input and pump it there or would I be best building a O3 reactor. I do run 2 phosban reactors, 1 for carbon and 1 for phosban if that would be an option to put it there. I would think that to the skimmer would be more efficient.
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