Too high Zn, Br and Al in test


New member
I've just received my MarinLab results. And these 3 are too high:
Zn is 0.0121 (rec 0 - 0.007)
Br is 85.5 (rec 55 - 74)
Al is 0.028 (rec 0 - 0.01)
In my RODI they are 0

What could be the issue??

I is 0.032 (rec 0.055 - 0.07)
Ni is 0.0027 (rec 0 - 0.01)
Wouldn't they be higher if it was a rusty pump??
Can sometimes be difficult to locate hidden metal leaching if its out of sight. I had an issue once & it was a magnetic frag holder that started to leak on the inner magnet corroding visually so was caught in time.
If you can't see anything visually id start yanking anything with metal components that can be disassembled & do a through inspection & cleaning and look for anything metal that might be in contact with the water or dripping into the water or showing any corrosion.
Is this your 1st in depth water test?
Are you having any livestock issues or just saw this on the test?
Maybe something being dosed or odd salt mix issue?
The possibilities are endless.....................
I've thought about it could be a magnet somewhere that is corroding.
I've checked my Tunze care magnet, my older heater and my MP10 house. So the only things left is a Jebao 5000 pump that is 1 year old, a Bubble King 180 skimmer and a new Jebao circulation pump.

My SPS' started dying, so I don't think it was a problem from the beginning.
I've done a test 2 weeks ago, so this is my second at this tank.

I'm using AF Reef Salt but when I check their batch ICP test it's fine :-/
Yes, its magnets i do not trust anymore, especially any that are used for in tank placement of anything.
Id be interested to know what it was if/when you locate prob.
I've just checked my heater, my Tunze 6015 (running in the sump) and my Vortech.
The heater looks fine and the Vortech was fine when I checked it 2 weeks ago.
But on the Tunze pump it looked like the surface of the shaft had gone off a little bit. Could that maybe be an issue?? I've attached a photo of it.

I also have a lot og hard white "items" in my sump og on the back glass in the display.
And idea what that could be??


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