Want to ride with me through my 58g setup ?

APorter said:
Nice job on the tank Joe.

Can you post I picture of how you have the UV set-up?
Thanks for all the nice words .:)

Aporter does this help.:confused:
melev said:
I still don't see any fish! Great corals though.

I cant get them to stop swimming so they don't get blurred .:lol:

There's only three so far . Regal Angel , False perc and an Algae Blenny .

I think you can see them in the full tank shot .;)
joefish said:
Why won't the penductors work with the 4 way ?It's working with the SCWD .

I know for sure that they won't work unless you have a penductor on all 4 outlets. If not, then when the drum rotates to the outlet with the penductor it gets slammed back to the outlet without the penductor due to the difference in back pressure. I figured you probably didn't want 4 penductors in a 58.

I'm not 100% sure if it will or won't work with penductors on all 4 outlets. I've had leaking issues at the seals without penductors so I would guess that the backpressure from the penductors would make the leaking problems worse.
Travis - ahh i hear you now. but if you have a single output drum the only way the water has to go it out the penductor outlet.

the leaking issue might be the only thing i would worry about. would have to talk to Paul about that

The single output drum is what I was talking about. When the drum rotates and is in the middle of 2 outlets it will get slammed back to the outlet that doesn't have a penductor on it. It will eventually be forced by the motor to go over the penductor outlet but it won't be on that outlet for nearly as long as normal. If the next outlet also doesn't have a penductor then the drum will automatically get slammed over to the next outlet without ever even stopping on the outlet with the penductor.

Are you saying that the back pressure from the penductor will overcome the magnets that hold the drum in place?

When I spoke to Paul through e-mail , he said you can close off 2 outlets to make it a 2 way . This is what I was thinking about with using the penductors . The leaking thing has me concerned now . :eek2:
awsome setup Joe, Do you also have a UV on your 120gal aswell.
Do you run the uv 24/7. I was thinking about adding one to my new 90 gal. but still unsure.
JW Jersey ,

Thanks , and yes I had a UV on the 120 . Thats whats sold me on getting one on this one .


Yes to the 24/7 too .
I still need time to learn it and tweek it .:D

I would have rather of had a Beckett , but thats because I know them .

Give me some time to see , Once I'm certain I will give it a good review , bad or good .;)
Stile2, I'm not familiar with the mag drive units. I bought mine around the time when the first 4-ways were introduced to the market so they are the older (obsolete?) shaft driven models. Paul is sending me a free mag drive upgrade so hopefully that will stop the leaking. Like I said, I'm not familiar with the mag drive setup yet so I'm not sure what their leak potential is.

Joe, my bad, I never thought about closing off 2 of the outlets and then using a 2 sequental outlet drum. That would work fine as you would have equivalent back pressure on each outlet. I'll let you know what I think of the mag drive setup when I get it. I'm guessing it will be more "leak-proof".
joefish said:
I still need time to learn it and tweek it .:D

I would have rather of had a Beckett , but thats because I know them .

Give me some time to see , Once I'm certain I will give it a good review , bad or good .;)

I'm holding my breath :)
Joe your new setup is looking awesome,

Deltecs are awesome skimmers IMHO... I've never run a beckett however, I have been very impressed with my AP851 over the past two months. It pulls out some wicked skimmate and I have witnessed my water quality improve since its addition.

Keep us updated :thumbsup: