Super Cool Mark!
Congrats on the transfer, it looks full already, lol... Great Job!!!
So how do you like the spread of the lights? Any shadowing?
Nice, Mark!
So how do you like the spread of the lights? Any shadowing?
Shadowing with that setup? I'd venture to say no haha. That has to be at least twice the MFG recommendation!
Well done wazzel!
Looking good Mark, congrats on getting the 120 wet!
Looks great, glad the transfer went smoothly for you. How many hours do you suppose it took ?
Probably around 14 hours on Friday to do the bulk of the work. That included breaking down the 60/20 system, moving it out the way and setting up the 120. Saturday was 6 hours or so doing clean up work, arranging corals and making water. Sunday was another 6 hours or so, again nick nack stuff. I have some more little things to finish off like install the second pump and get my doser back online. Not all of the time on Sat and Sun were directly tied to setting up the 120. I sold off lots of breakage, broke down the fiberglass tank and did general clean up work. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the transfer tank stand out the house and deal with the last few things I got laying around.
That holding tank must have been nice, to be able to do it a few hours/ steps at a time. I remember doing these as an aquarium tech and it was non-stop until you were done. Usually a full day deal. Exhausting!
Looks very nice, went over board on the LED fixtures, I like it ! :thumbsup:
Things are looking a bit rough right now. Some of my colonies have lost some tissue. My alk did jump a bit from just under 8 to about 9.5. I think that along with the stress of moving caused the problems. All the fish, snails, shrimp and what not are doing fine. Kind of bummed. Looks like I may loose a few pieces. The highlighter is all but gone and a few others look to be on their way out.