what do u think of seaworld

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Well what arguments do you have for sea world doing harm other than he say she say...well unless I guess you speak orcha in that case please tell us all how different it is than any other animal in a zoo or captivity in much smaller enclosures than the real world...birds have the whole sky and are kept in a cage....so basically were all wrong for keeping animals period...whether it be a mouse in a cage a beta in a bowel or a whale in a several million gallon tank..oh well life goes on.
Love the palce! Great upclose experience.
If i didnt agree with there practices I could not have an aquarium!
well, if i cared enough to argue any more, i would, but it's pointless.

Go see the pretty orcas in their tiny confines. Enjoy!

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and avatar. There is no reason to glamorize the keeping of mandrins. They are better left in the ocean and no one should have one. Even the captive breed ones. Between culling, not eating and natural deaths lots of mandarins just so you can have a colorful fish in your tank. That doesn't sounds like responsible fish keeping.

Mandarins do perfectly fine in captivity with the proper care and attention, just like any other fish.
And while people are impulsive and get them without knowing what they are getting themselves into, it is hardly a problem that is exclusive to the mandarins and can in fact be applied to pretty much all the animals people keep.
Not all fish are suitable for everyone, but that does not mean nobody should be allowed to have them at all.

- Proud owner of a fat and plump female mandarin.
Mandarins do perfectly fine in captivity with the proper care and attention, just like any other fish.
And while people are impulsive and get them without knowing what they are getting themselves into, it is hardly a problem that is exclusive to the mandarins and can in fact be applied to pretty much all the animals people keep.
Not all fish are suitable for everyone, but that does not mean nobody should be allowed to have them at all.

- Proud owner of a fat and plump female mandarin.

I guess you missed the irony being pointed out. I didn't even mention impulse buyers. I gave culling, natural causes and starvation as excuses for dying.
he misses irony. again a post where he says it they can be kept perfectly fine- and then says his is plump and fat. Obesity is not generally a sign of health. I am just joking of course! I understand the point he was making, as well as every one elses.
I actually just got back from a vacation to San Diego, including 2 days a Sea World San Diego. I admit to it having always having been a favorite spot since childhood, and a prime reason fish, the ocean and reefing is what it is to me.

The behind the scenes tours have fascinated me since my teens, and I could probably almost lead one myself I've taken them so many times. That is where I began to see SW for what it truly was, which was bigger than the public persona so many others saw it as.

I am saddened to see this thread has devolved recently; I always enjoy intelligent discussions, and hate when personal attacks cause moderators to stop the discussions.

Thanks, ZooDiver for your many excellent additions to the discussion!
Cheetahs dont need to run 70 in a cage...

so what im going to do is keep a dog in a closet.

Itll be well fed and ill cram a female in there so itll breed

Itll live longer than wild dogs and breed succesfully so obviously its a good thing to do

But then the same ppl supporting an orca in a pool will take my dog

Im sure my fish would rather be in the ocean

Im not against zoos or seaworld im against the thinking that animals are happier or better off in there. When you go to these places you are,seeing a small scale imitation. Some of us cant afford to go to africa but when i see that
Heetah laying there bored i know hes not happy. The snow leopards at my zoo have a cage the size of my room. So lets be,realistic here. These animals have a shitty life only there for entertainment and thats,reality.

Were talking about millions of years of evolution to adapt to a certain environment and just because a handful of orcas did better is besides the point.
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Cheetahs dont need to run 70 in a cage...

so what im going to do is keep a dog in a closet.

Itll be well fed and ill cram a female in there so itll breed

Itll live longer than wild dogs and breed succesfully so obviously its a good thing to do

But then the same ppl supporting an orca in a pool will take my dog

Im sure my fish would rather be in the ocean

Im not against zoos or seaworld im against the thinking that animals are happier or better off in there

This is hardly a balanced comparison or I hope these are tongue-in-cheek comments.

Why do Cheetahs run 70? To catch food.
Do they always run 70? No.
How often do they run 70? Only when they absolutely need to, and some never do in their entire lifetime.
If given the chance, would a Cheetah NOT run 70 if it found a way to catch prey easier? Yes.

The term "cramming a female in there so it will breed" is hardly a way to get them to do so. Even rabbits won't breed if you 'cram them in there' - and if rabbits are know for anything it's breeding.
I have a fish tank. And i go to the zoo. But dont give me that crap about theyre better off.

If you honestly believe that why dont people like being in jail
Zoodiver, you said above that 100% of orcas die if released.

How do you know?

How many have been released? A few?

We would need an enormous sample size. Lets release 100k and i bet that number is false
Zoodiver, you said above that 100% of orcas die if released.

How do you know?

How many have been released? A few?

We would need an enormous sample size. Lets release 100k and i bet that number is false

Given how many are in captivity, np, you wouldn't need such an insanely high sample size.
Cheetahs dont need to run 70 in a cage...

so what im going to do is keep a dog in a closet.

Itll be well fed and ill cram a female in there so itll breed

Itll live longer than wild dogs and breed succesfully so obviously its a good thing to do

But then the same ppl supporting an orca in a pool will take my dog

Im sure my fish would rather be in the ocean

Im not against zoos or seaworld im against the thinking that animals are happier or better off in there. When you go to these places you are,seeing a small scale imitation. Some of us cant afford to go to africa but when i see that
Heetah laying there bored i know hes not happy. The snow leopards at my zoo have a cage the size of my room. So lets be,realistic here. These animals have a shitty life only there for entertainment and thats,reality.

Were talking about millions of years of evolution to adapt to a certain environment and just because a handful of orcas did better is besides the point.

I don't think keeping a dog in a closet is the same as the orcas in a pool. it's more like keeping a dog in a small house and cleaning the house everyday, having vets check on him daily and having excellent air quality. The house will also have other dogs he can play with, a grass patch and a indoor pool. The dogs will also have a trainer play frisbee so he gets exercise.
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In our economies weak state and many people loosing jobs. I highly doubt this thread had anything to do with that. Families simply can't afford these pleasures anymore. Remember let's say for instance......... you have a billion dollars in your bank account and you loose 300 million your going to feel as though the world is ending. To others, they may say it's not a loss at all. The rich do not like to loose.
Zoodiver, you said above that 100% of orcas die if released.

How do you know?

How many have been released? A few?

We would need an enormous sample size. Lets release 100k and i bet that number is false

For 100,000 to be released as a sample, you'd need four times that being held. So that means instead of a few orcas at Sea World, you'd take more than the worlds population out of the wild just to test the theory.

Yes, I know you were being sarcastic, but that's kind of the point. "Facts" that are tongue in cheek are what the activist's claims are based on. They form opinion based on feeling or emotion, not on real world information and facts.

Marine mammal release is not an easy process. I've been part of several rehab/release programs over the years. Getting an animal from a point of 100% human care to 100% independent is not an easy task. My wife is still currently in that end of the field.

It's already been proven that orcas under human care don't have the ability to survive or thrive when introduced to similar conditions as they would be faced with if released.
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