When ordering from the Tunze web site…

Northside Reef

Premium Member
When ordering from the Tunze web site where are the items shipped from?

I ordered a couple of items I needed for replacement parts (sorry Roger I missed your PM to contact you because of my new spam filter :( )

I was just wondering how long I should expect to wait and whether or not I should reorder through you, itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s not a big order only like $40.00 worth but I really need the parts to fix my stream.
For now the orders go to Germany and they usually check everyday, but sometimes it takes a few days, if it is from the US it will be forwarded to me. It takes a couple days usually total, largely because we work opposite hours because their is a 7hr time difference between Austin and Penzberg.
this is my order #. Number : 060231515221

I ordered these items:

=Order Details==
Drive shaft TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚® stream : $US6,68
Order Number : 6080.640
Quantity : 1
Subtotal : $US6,68
Screw M4x16 black : $US1,05
Order Number : 6080.641
Quantity : 1
Subtotal : $US1,05
Hydro propeller ->6100.10 : $US9,65
Order Number : 6100.120
Quantity : 1
Subtotal : $US9,65
Drive unit for Turb.str. : $US27,09
Order Number : 6080.600
Quantity : 1
Subtotal : $US27,09

I may have doubles coming but I wanted to be sure I got everything I needed.

I have added reef central to excepted emails so please PM me when you see this order come through. if you have the items in stock I will gladly give you my UPS account # to get them next day. (I don't care about shipping charges I may have already paid)


I do have all those parts, the 6080.60 though includes 6080.64 and 6080.641.

Let us see if it doesn't come through tomorrow.