Where to get Marine Plants

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Premium Member
Below is a list of all of the marine plant vendors taken from this thread. Where to get macroalgae and marine vascular plants. The links are listed in the order in which they appeared in that thread. Please refer to that thread for discussion and some vendor experiences.

Florida Pets
Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
Gulf Coast Ecosystems
Indo-Paific Sea Farms
Bill's Reef
Connecticut Valley Biological Supply Co.
MarinelifeThey ship in Europe and Switzerland in 48 hours with UPS.
Florida Aqua Farms Inc
Sea Life Florida

Not sure if the Barrreport sells plants, but they were in there so I put them here.
Barr Report does not sell plants. Tom has previously hosted marine plant excursions where you could collect them though.

Does anyone actually know what the species of seagrass Seacrop has are? I tried emailing but have yet to get a response.
This probably doesnt help too much in this situation, but back when I ordered Halophila from them they threw in some halodule which has turned out to be Halodule Uninervis. I would guess that this is the seagrass they are selling, but without a response cant say for sure.
Just got a response today, they said they will send me some pictures but they don't know what the scientific names are. I'll let you guys know what turns up
I'm fairly new on here, but I thought I'd let everyone know to be weary of Bill's Reef. I ordered a 6pack of Widgeon Grass and some Spartinia Grass from the site... What I got was a small clump of green strings bunched in with baby Cheto and maybe 3 small shoots of Spartinia! I will not recomend that site to anyone.
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I've ordered from Bill's with no problems. Have you sent him a PM to discuss what you got as opposed to what you expected?

It's early in the season here and things are just starting to sprout. I had told you that the grasses would be small starts. Please be patient and give them a chance, they will grow ;)
Hi everyone.
I am from Portugal.
I am thinking in setting up a Macro Algae Tank, but here in Portugal is really really really difficult to get diferent kinds of macro algae...
I can only get few kinds of caulerpas (like prolifera and taxifolia) and chaeto. Red and brown macro´s are very rare in our shops...
Can you please give me information about online shops ho ships macro algaes in Europe?
Thank you all
Thank you. I already know this one.
Is it the only online shop selling algaes in Europe?
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