
OK, after a reboot blah blah blah

Here are a couple more:
Say hello to my little frien


Dude, is that a peacock mantis shrimp? Please tell me its not in your DT?

Yes & yes (kinda). . .

It's not in the main DT, it's in satellite #1 (top satellite) - he is the sole occupant (less the feeder green chromis, sacrificial turbos, & there may still be a hermit crab of two in there). The turbos end up doing 'tours of duty' - I swap them out with ones from the main DT once a week or so . . .
. . . ALWAYS shoot straight into the tank. Never at an angle.

I learned the hard way a long time ago. :)

Lets see some new ones... Keep this trend up!!

I have heard everyone say to shoot (perfectly) perpendicular to the glass. I remember thinking 'It can't make that much of a difference . . .'
Then I did an experiment. I took a pic of a toadstool (from about 5') & perpendicular to the glass:

Then I took a pic of the same stool from the same distance, only this time I was as close to the glass as I could get (a very oblique angle):

The camera was unable to focus due to the excessive distortion . . .

As requested, here are some new ones (shot with new lens):







I got 3 'big guys' the other day . . .
A desjardini sailfin, purple, & yellow tangs.

OK... I think you and I (and others) are going to have to start labeling our pictures.

Otherwise how am I going to know what to order or look for in frag swapps?
Thanks guys. I wish there were a fast-forward button on my system I can't wait to see it grown out!. I know the golden rule (one of many, anyways): nothing good happens fast in reef keeping. I guess I'll have to wait . . .

I'll keep all y'all posted, promise.
awesome build!

what are the cabinets made of? just plywood with laminate on them? it looks really nice!

Yes, laminated (veneer) plywood (3/4")
Thanks, again!

Everything below the top of the tanks is completely removable (secured by rare earth magnets or z-clips), everything above the tanks are doors hinged at the top (so they open up & out of the way).

Hopefully, the cabinets will be done (lees the stained glass inlays) on Tuesday, I'll get pix up with doors open & panels off.
No, I don't know better, I'm a NooB. :rolleyes:
I've only been running salt water since the middle of June.
BUT, I got it from a QT tank ('my fish guy's').
AND I am in the process of getting a QT, hospital, & frag tanks running in the basement . . .

Thank you , Worm, for you concern!

I personally/professionally have to advocate a QT. Even though you know it is 'safe' that tank does not have the same parameters that yours has.

I have heard/seen people get on simple fish... and the whole tank gets wiped out.

I have a friend with a 265 that just lost 3 tangs and 2 clowns from fish that were from a reputable online store. Just last week.

QT/HT setup and trying to save the rest of the fish now.

Please understand, I am a NooB, an enthusiast, so to speak. I am on my way to becoming a hobbyist, then an (hopefully) aquarist. If I "become bored" along the way (really don't think so), I will have to pay somebody to maintain this system, as I wouldn't consider removing it - my wife loves it so much, she wouldn't let me (not a bad problem to have!).
I have been reading books by Calfo and Fenner & have been researching on the web for hours, etc.
Until just recently, my understanding was if you were not using a QT tank and dipping your corals, you are a fool. I do dip in Bayer. I (even more) recently stumbled upon the thread where, I believe it was, Paul B (I'm not sure it was he, but somebody 'popular' and 'well respected' here on RC, stated they do not ever quarantine. They swore by: constant (correct) parameters, and good food fed regularly - that was better than quarantine (I believe the reasoning was less stressful to the animals & better immune response to disease & even parasites). Very interesting.

Until you made me think about it, my belief was, quarantine was quarantine. If it's not in my main DT, it's another tank, right? Mine, yours, his, it didn't matter. When you say that the 'safe' tank does not have the same parameters as mine, I extrapolated that you mean: I should fill my QT tank with (cycled) water from my system. I just ordered a bunch of stuff from BRS, my QT and HT are in the works.
I'm sorry to hear about your friends problem with his 265. I hope everything works out as best as it can.
I would like to put a shout out and give mad props to people like you, Worm, and Paul B and all the other regular RC regulars that us NooBs can rely on to give us solid information, quickly, over and over and over again! I would like to, also, extend a 'head nod' to all the Loungers (you know what I mean) ;).
Thank you!

Here's a mini Update
Found Copepods in the MP-40 filter.

Very exciting!
I just found all these guys in the mantis tank overflow:


I'm thinking (& hoping) they're good guys!
[Richard Dawson] Survey says?[/Richard Dawson]

Peace out
Good night
Here's a mini Update
Found Copepods in the MP-40 filter.

Very exciting!
I just found all these guys in the mantis tank overflow:


I'm thinking (& hoping) they're good guys!
[Richard Dawson] Survey says?[/Richard Dawson]

Peace out
Good night

Those are some nice pods you got going. And the second pics look like sponges or tunicates or a combination of both which are good filters.