Would you purchase a $4000 dollar fish?

I think I could get a hammer head shark cheaper then that!! I wouldnt even pay that for a garabaldy!! Can You say Get a LIFE!!
Just think of the money you could make if you had a breeding pair Then raised the off spring long enough to turn them into breeding stock :eek2: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Thats not a bad deal on that BMW considering that the MSRP on a Z8 is only 135K. I have a 200 gallon tank that is $5,000 off. I am only asking $15,000 for it. I cant believe the price gouging going on.
I dunno. I'd probably just drop the money for a copperband butterfly, which is kind've a poor mans peppermint. And that $1500 Centropyge is far to similar to $30 beauties and pygmies to justify the cost. That being said, I'd try keeping all fish if I had the money. Hey! Maybe when I'm a grad student I can just use grant money to get a few. There's a guy over here that did research on Australian lungfish and now that he's done he has a pet that only 2 other people in the U.S. have. Hmm.....
I was reading more about the Peppermint, and found out when they first were sold, they were going for $1200 wholesale. On the other side, they have gone for as high as $14,000.:eek: :eek:
After what I have paid for my divorce and custody battle, $4000 sounds like chicken feed!
I will take 10 of them please and another aquarium that is a bit larger than my last one.
Just kidding, the wrasstaman is flat broke and has already spent every dime he had plus lots he didn't have on corals and other marine life.
Maybe in a few years!
intheband said:
i find it amusing that we all scoff at the idea of a 4000 dollar fish...when most of us probably have ten thousand dollar+ tanks that use hundreds of dollars of electricity every month:D

i guess there really are degrees of insanity;)

tanks and equipment dont die, they dont jump out of tanks, they dont get eaten by clams and other predators, they dont succumb to ICH, they can go a lifetime without food, they can run your tank at 32 degrees up to 199degress...........


I wouldn't spend that much, I would have a hard time buying a Purple Tang for $60.
Uh. How long is a fish going to live if it has to be decompressed with a needle? The diver's that collect them get narcosis? Imagine the stress that the fish goes through.

Me? I'll just wait to find one mis-labeled at Petco.
I was ****ed when I saw my goby jump out of my tank....20 bucks and I was flipping out, ruined my whole day.

I'd get a McDonald's cup, and fill it with sea water, then when the LFS owner isnt looking (kidding, I SWEAR)........errr......I'd rather spend 4000 on a new tank that a goby cant escape from. Geeze, I'm still rather upset about that
Are you sure it was only 4k? I was quoted 4k wholesale w/ no guarantee. Supposedly they're not even all that hardy, quite a gamble IMO!
$4,000. fish

$4,000. fish

Just remember one thing, If it will not break your bank and will not take food from your family. The only thing you need to justify it is the sole fact that you want it ! You do not need my approval to buy it. If you want it, buy it . You go BOY !!!!!
the needle is to let the air out of the swim bladder, which starts to protrude from the anus of the fish as it expands with decreasing pressure. Imagine opening a soda in your rear, and not being able to flatulate.....pretty uncomfortable, huh? using a needle is about the only way to help the fish, dummy.

I would buy it if it turned into a gemmatum tang.
just kidding on the dummy comment. I thought the same thing when I first learned of the practice. Seems pretty brutal until you see it done, and tiny air bubbles escape from a fish that can't stay upright, then looks great.
I guess it's late.....but, I take great amusement in laughing at myself from time to time. This is definitely one of those times.
jazzyreef, Ithought it was a great *anal*ogy, really! On a serious note though, a 4k fish is interesting....kind of puts you into the...well, elite crowd of reefers having a fish like this. I do think it's Super cool *and* if I could afford/justify a fish like this I'd have it, believe me. What's keeping super hard/difficult sps all about, kinda' the same deal in many ways!? You guys keep me excited forever, NEVER lose the passion!
for $4000 i would go to panama and get a liscence to catch my own damn fish down there... and then bring the mother F@$ers home... and have an awesome 2 week vacation down there!

4K goes a long way in 3rd word countries... and a little $$ can bend a lot of rules ;) HAHA