Would you purchase a $4000 dollar fish?

I think IF I ever get to the point where I will pay 4 k for a fish I better use that money on a shrink or a very good lawyer ......
in japan some people will consider 4k is $40 since they pay in excess of 50k+ for a red arowana or a good breed flower horn
Yes, I would...if he's verry beautifull and extreem rare available fish.
these are mine expensife fishes: Z. gemmatum and a couple Opistognathus rosenblatti's.
Sadley enough, one of two jump out of the tank and died a few day's later of his wounds.


in The Netherlands
Z. gemmatum 1450 € (euro's)
O. rosenblatti 250 €

last week, an C. boylei was accidentally transshipped to the Netherlands and the importer gave him away because he was sure this species would die in a few days.
it seems a verry difficult fish and the're no "stay alive" guarantee

$4000, a lot money for such a difficult species

its a pretty sweet looking fish....but you know, that'd be awhole new setup. i'd be more inclined to make one of those giagantic shark tanks like that one dude did (although slightly more money) . more of a conversation piece.
Re: Would you purchase a $4000 dollar fish?

goofball310 said:
Would you purchase a Peppermint Angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei) for $4000 dollars?

ONLY if it came with a lifetime moneyback guarantee. :)
sad news, the C. boylei is dead :(
lucky for that guy he got him for free...otherwise 4000$ gone to fishheaven.

$4K fish

$4K fish

Beautiful fish, but I'm not sure it's worth $4K. I guess it would be worth whatever someone was willing to pay for it though.

It took me a white to figure out that one. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with being asian? I think you meant to spell assassin.:p :D

masson said:
No frekin way , what if my 15 dollar yellow tang decided to become an assian the first night....