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jazzyreef said:using a needle is about the only way to help the fish, dummy.
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jazzyreef said:using a needle is about the only way to help the fish, dummy.
It's like when I saw the Z8 at the BMW dealership that was $50k off the normal price
Bass Master said:I wonder what it tastes like....Fish maybe?
lil_mikey69 said:What dealer did that? Id like to go there so I could get the car. With a 50k rebate, that means theyd be GIVING me back about 5 grand after I took the car. Sticker on a new Z4 is only with the larger motor is 40k. Fully loaded about 45k. I dont know where you ive, but they sure are ripping people off and lying to them horrible
he mentioned a z8. Sticker on those is approximately 140k
Simple solution, If you spend more time (than your neighbor kids) playing with your dog, then he will spend more time with you.AFH said:Ok, I once bought a dog for 1500, It spent more time playing with the neighbor kids than with me. .....
:jester:AFH said:Minh Nguyen, my neighbor's child is autistic. That is why I did not mind the dog being with him. Enough said!