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TDB Recovery Update June 2014

TDB Recovery Update June 2014

Hi All I had a few bumps in the Road Losing many acros over the early spring and now the tank is coming back nicely. I switch my philosophy form Ultra Low nutrients to Med/Low nutrients and the Colors have significantly improved. Here are a few pics of the Tank in recovery mode. Have a great summer all. The Bulk of my lighting is still LEDS however the halides do supplement the LEDs very nicely!




My tank has been solely lit with LED's since 11/2011.....this weekend I installed an additional 4 x 80 watt T-5's, (2 x Geismann full spectrum bulbs {Midday Sun & Aquablue Plus}, an ATI purple plus and an ATI true actinic 03). I added these to fill out the LED lighting is only made up of Cool White, Royal Blue and Blue (all Cree).
I am hoping that I will see an immediate positive change in growth, coloration and polyp extension.
The Bulk of my lighting is still LEDS however the halides do supplement the LEDs very nicely!


I don't think it is very fair if you are using MH for supplementation. In my opinion the whole point of this thread is to show what can be achieved with LEDs by themselves.

You do have an amazing looking tank nevertheless. :)
I don't think it is very fair if you are using MH for supplementation. In my opinion the whole point of this thread is to show what can be achieved with LEDs by themselves.

You do have an amazing looking tank nevertheless. :)
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe he has been running for LEDs for a long time and just recently started supplementing with MH.
This was also an issue with Metal Halides till we started using smarter reflectors.
I like that mark points this out.
If you recall, when T5 technology started to be used for the hobby years ago everyone had the same reaction, and even the same problems, bleaching, loss of color, killing thing... etc...
Just because the technology is new doesn't mean that is is NOT applicable to our hobby, it just means we have to use it properly, and that takes time to work the kinks out.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe he has been running for LEDs for a long time and just recently started supplementing with MH.

With all due respect to the tank's owner, he did say:
"I had a few bumps in the Road Losing many acros over the early spring and now the tank is coming back nicely. I switch my philosophy form Ultra Low nutrients to Med/Low nutrients and the Colors have significantly improved"

and my point is that yes, the colour improvement could be attributed to the change in nutrients, but it could also be because of the new supplement of MH. Thus making it not a pure case of showing us LED success.
I always ran 400w Radiums. For years. I then got sucked in by the LED rage and bought 6 AI Sol blues. Ran them at 100% and had no issues with bleaching or any other problem. I did have a couple pieces completely change color (pink and blue milli went solid blue). I did notice a slight drop in color though. Not much, but noticeable. I ran these for a year and switched out for a 8 bulb T5. Things got a bit better, but I've now gone back to the MH.

LEDs for me were ok, they weren't any hassle to setup and had some nice features. But I didn't like the color separation that comes from separate light sources and overall, they just weren't radiums. Although if I'd never run MH, I wouldn't know the difference and probably would have been fine with LED forever.
With all due respect to the tank's owner, he did say:
"I had a few bumps in the Road Losing many acros over the early spring and now the tank is coming back nicely. I switch my philosophy form Ultra Low nutrients to Med/Low nutrients and the Colors have significantly improved"

and my point is that yes, the colour improvement could be attributed to the change in nutrients, but it could also be because of the new supplement of MH. Thus making it not a pure case of showing us LED success.

With all due respect, The thread is about LED Success. I started it and never did I say LED Only Success or Pure LED success. There are plenty of tanks out there that demonstrate LED only lights and my tank was ran for two years with LED only with great success. Last November I added 4 Radiums but still run LED for 12 hours. It is a successful tank that run LEDS.

The reasons for my many posts is to share my success and what I have learned along the way. Having ran tanks LED only and with MH supplement, I believe that if you a hard core SPS guy looking for Colors out of this world, that your goals will be amplified with either T5 or MH supplementation to your LED setups especially supplementing/minimizing the White/Yellow LED light.

If the consensus doesn't want me to post to a thread I started because I added MH Please let me know, otherwise I will still share my successful LED experience. Also, yes nutrients has played a roll in improving color and health of the corals, Id say much bigger than the light combinations.
Tdb and how do you go from ultra low nutrients to medium low? I am having that issue right now where I think my nutrients are far too low and need to not tackle them so aggressively.
Here are a few of my Acro. Don't have my Macro lens but I use an acrylic box to take these pictures. No photoshop other than crop the picture and resize them.
They are under Radion G3 Pro and G2. All growing very fast. Tank is a 320 gal with 7 Radion light fixture running at 100% 15 hrs per day. On at 6 AM off at 9 PM. i go to work early and get home last to I keep the light on longer so I can enjoy the tank. 1 hr ram up and 1 hr ram down





Here are a few of my Acro. Don't have my Macro lens but I use an acrylic box to take these pictures. No photoshop other than crop the picture and resize them.
They are under Radion G3 Pro and G2. All growing very fast. Tank is a 320 gal with 7 Radion light fixture running at 100% 15 hrs per day. On at 6 AM off at 9 PM. i go to work early and get home last to I keep the light on longer so I can enjoy the tank. 1 hr ram up and 1 hr ram down



Extremely impressive, can we get a copy of your Radion schedule?
The reasons for my many posts is to share my success and what I have learned along the way. Having ran tanks LED only and with MH supplement, I believe that if you a hard core SPS guy looking for Colors out of this world, that your goals will be amplified with either T5 or MH supplementation to your LED setups especially supplementing/minimizing the White/Yellow LED light.

My point was that with the set of photos you've posted one could say that this is an example of what can be achieved with an LED fixture, where else technically this is not a pure LED, but LED supplemented with MH. Feel free to post whatever you like in this thread.

I would really love to see the photos of your tank before you've added the MH to the mix to see the colours of your corals with LEDs only.
With all due respect, The thread is about LED Success. I started it and never did I say LED Only Success or Pure LED success. There are plenty of tanks out there that demonstrate LED only lights and my tank was ran for two years with LED only with great success. Last November I added 4 Radiums but still run LED for 12 hours. It is a successful tank that run LEDS.

The reasons for my many posts is to share my success and what I have learned along the way. Having ran tanks LED only and with MH supplement, I believe that if you a hard core SPS guy looking for Colors out of this world, that your goals will be amplified with either T5 or MH supplementation to your LED setups especially supplementing/minimizing the White/Yellow LED light.

If the consensus doesn't want me to post to a thread I started because I added MH Please let me know, otherwise I will still share my successful LED experience. Also, yes nutrients has played a roll in improving color and health of the corals, Id say much bigger than the light combinations.

Hi, your sps are looking great. :)

I'm just curious which LEDs you have and how many?
I ask because I would think that unless you had a "butt load" of LED, the majority of your lighting would now be MH with the LED being the supplementation, not the other way around. The MH would truly be giving you full spectrum with the LED supplementing or adding additional bits of certain spectrums.

Also, curious how you like having two pinpoint light sources. Is the MH giving you better light wrap around your coral than you had before?