Ultimate Reefer
These are great Sahin! I'm so happy that things have turned around for you and don't worry too much about the picture quality(the blueness), we understand. One way to compensate though would be to turn all blue LEDs off, as well as some of the blue tubes, and crank the red and white up on the LEDs. It will look way redder and kinda ugly in person but the camera will see it as more blue and it might even balance out to look the way your eye sees it...
Thank buddy. I am going to try and pickup a decent used camera soon. Might pickup a used Nikon D90. It can record videos and does decent white balance too.
Very nice so what are u dosing now and are you running zeo
None buddy. I did ad zeolites a while back, but took it out again as the wife booked a short holiday and I didnt want to risk the corals.
I am not dosing no Zeobac or Prodibio now as the nutrients are so low. I cant get NO3 and PO4 up despite gross overfeeding.
Videos are fantastic, I really appreciate being able to see the flow and exactly how the corals are looking.
No problem buddy. I'm fairly happy with the tank now. Still scared of AEFW's and random dipping has showed no issues.
Love the vids, Sahin! Tanks looks like it doesn't even remember the dark days of dipping and waiting.
That red planet really shines. The blue tort is really nice as well.
I love the pink dragon type acro as well..
Really nice!
You don't see those bristle tooth tangs very often. Over here, it's called a tomini tang. They are good algae scrapers and not to aggressive.
Thanks. Its crazy how, when I think back to the moment I discovered AEFW's I remember my heart sank. I dreaded the whole dipping and QT process and the thought of losing much of my acros.
But so far so good.

I really like the Tomini Tang. No one was buying him as he isnt as nicely coloured as other tangs, but since they are known to be good algae eaters and dont grow as big as other tangs I just had to buy him.
Very nice video. Sahin, is your tank now completely out of this "new tank/rocks syndrome"? Looks like it!!! :thumbsup:
The tank is progressing well enough. And most of the frags that went in recently are holding their colour. Some have even thrown down nice bases.
Hi Sahin,
In post #425 (in relation to not having any green coloration on your red planet), you said "you tried everything ...".
I have no doubt that you have already read this, but this article written by Dana Riddle may shed some lights on this particular challenge that you face (skip to the concluding remarks if pressed for time).
I read that before, but I will read it again. I would have thought my light spectrum covered all the points for GFP to be fully enhanced in my tank.
I put the issue down to water quality. What are your thoughts on the best T5 combo? (ignore LED spectrum as I run 8 tubes and consider the LED's a bonus spectrum).
I have a combo of the following tubes available at my disposal:
Coral+ x4
ABS x2
Blue+ x4
Actinic x3
New Gen x1
Lagoon Blue x1
Actinic x1
6500K x2
Crystalblue x3
PigmentINT x1
Shallowwater x2
Would be nice to hear your thoughts about a potential T5 combo. Thanks.