A lesson for all LFS owners

That's horrible. I can't believe how people are capable of doing something like this
Pet animals ..deified
farm animals deep-fried.
Not sure I know the difference in value of their respective souls to make a judgement.
Pet animals ..deified
farm animals deep-fried.
Not sure I know the difference in value of their respective souls to make a judgement.

An animal killed for meat has at least been killed for a purpose. These animals suffered and died for no reason.

Also, the dead included chickens and other potential meat animals, so this isn't just people getting upset over fluffy kittens.
Thank you for the simple, knee jerk answer on everyones lips without thinking.

I too am conditioned to think like that....but,
I wanted to really think about it for a chance from scratch.
The pet shop and the chicken chains both handle the animals for exactly the same purpose...to make money to earn livlihood.

If mishandled chicken meat goes bad....that poor thing lost his life not even for someones dinner. Chicken may spoil by accident and not by intention
I suspect the dead pets are in exactly the same category.
If a purpose then is the difference in the value of souls they both died for the same purpose?

I just dont see the tragedy as a way act all self important and show how much I care by calling for their heads!
There's a big difference between an animal being humanely killed to feed another, and leaving an animal in excessive temperatures to die of exposure, or causing them to die of dehydration. Both Lakeland Electric and the store owners dropped the ball on this one, and the animals had to pay with what was most likely a long agonizing death.
i agree with elegance except i dont believe the electric company has any fault. the electric company turned off the power to an account number that is all they see in their system is the account number and for how long it went unpaid.
Food animals often suffer horribly and may not be killed humanely.
Terror, severe pain when not killed outright, crowded, dirty conditions, factory cages......and I sure don't want to cut and paste Peta stuff here to show it.

Gotta run. The wife wants us to go out for pizza with round pieces of a combination of pig flesh on it.
I can actually understand how this could happen. Just takes loosing track and forgetting to pay a bill. Electric companies generally do not give much room for error to commercial accounts. I was actually in the position once of running a small shop when the owner was on vacation and the electric company guy shows up with a pay up or get disconnected now notice. However, I handled it much better than the whoever that shop owner left running the store. Didn't have enough money in the till at the hour of the morning this guy showed up, but did manage to get a hold of the store owner at his hotel. He was able to call his bank's manager and make arrangements for me to go the bank and get the needed funds. It also helped the electric guy was understanding and willing to give me the time to do all that.
Food animals often suffer horribly and may not be killed humanely.
Terror, severe pain when not killed outright, crowded, dirty conditions, factory cages......and I sure don't want to cut and paste Peta stuff here to show it.

Gotta run. The wife wants us to go out for pizza with round pieces of a combination of pig flesh on it.

Why would you copy and paste anything from PETA, they're unethical jackals that just want to ruin things for others and apparently may have ties to domestic terrorist organizations.
cortez, I think you need to take the argument elsewhere.

The images do show animals in squalid conditions, and without water makes it worse. Who ever was charged with caring for the animals by the store owner... well they probably aren't friends with the owner anymore.
I can actually understand how this could happen. Just takes loosing track and forgetting to pay a bill. Electric companies generally do not give much room for error to commercial accounts. I was actually in the position once of running a small shop when the owner was on vacation and the electric company guy shows up with a pay up or get disconnected now notice. However, I handled it much better than the whoever that shop owner left running the store. Didn't have enough money in the till at the hour of the morning this guy showed up, but did manage to get a hold of the store owner at his hotel. He was able to call his bank's manager and make arrangements for me to go the bank and get the needed funds. It also helped the electric guy was understanding and willing to give me the time to do all that.

tats cuz u forgot and had money this one is more like didnt have the money and didnt wanna pay
Why would you copy and paste anything from PETA, they're unethical jackals that just want to ruin things for others and apparently may have ties to domestic terrorist organizations.

PETA is extreme and go overboard on a lot of topics. I remember they wanted to boycott phillies games because one of the players became a spokeman for spam.
i agree with elegance except i dont believe the electric company has any fault. the electric company turned off the power to an account number that is all they see in their system is the account number and for how long it went unpaid.

It is possible that the higher ups within the electric company didn't know this was a pet store. Maybe the lights were in the name of a different corporation??????? The meter person that physically went to the business and turned the power off, knew full well what type of business they were turning the power off to. There's no way they could have missed that this was a pet store. There are signs and pictures of animals all over the front of the store. If I were the meter guy, I would have called my superior as soon as I realized I was to turn power off to a building that is full of live animals. At that point, the proper authorities could be contacted, the animals moved to a safe location, and the power turned off without the loss of life.

This is Florida. It gets hot here. It is against the law to leave your dog in a parked car because it gets to hot. We know that if you leave a building closed up tight, with no power, it will get to hot inside. The electric company isn't at fault for turning off the power. I believe they are at fault for knowingly turning off the power with live animals inside. At least the meter person knew there were animals inside. They had to know the lives of these animals would be in jeopardy if they turned off the power. They did it anyway. If nothing else, this case should cause the electric company to rethink their policy in regards to issues like this.