Thanks my dear friend,glad you like it:beer:
I'm so eager to see the corals fill this scape.I imagine it will be nice,hope to see it in the future
Thaaaanks bud:beer:
So happy you like it guys,makes me try to make one with a bit better quality.
Thanks again,all of you guys!
Yesterday i sat to enjoy the new halo game.....before i could play one single map i heard the sound that the tanks makes when i close the return pump.
It couldn't be a power black out since the xbox was still open
So my jebao DC decided to die
Before one hole year of functioning
I wasn't worried.Have one spare eheim compact 5.000(which jebao replaced for energy saving needs 25w and the eheim 78w).
I didn't even close the xbox,thought it would only take me some mins to plug it on.
But when we make plans,God loughs so the eheim didn't work either.
Probably the wheel's magnet is broken(for some unknown reason) because when i put it in the plug it seemed to have power.
So after a couple of hours trying to make one of them vain...i decided to spend my time playing,so i put the one of the two heaters on the main tank and the temp controller's sensor there too and left the tank working separately from the sump.
Bp reactor,skimmer and the 2nd heater still work in the sump.
So a good chance to give a good cleaning to the sump while i'm deciding which my next pump will be.
Jebao is out of the picture this time:angryfire:
The only downside is the the tips of the bigger corals are left out of the water for 12 hours so they will probably bleach,but tthere is now problem.I'll cut them and they'll grow back!
I like the surprises that a tank or the equipment,come up with