ASM Skimmer Club!

Is it possible to get too many bubbles in a skimmer? I have a G3 with the recirc mod which is fed by a 500gph pump that's been acting up on me. Was thinking of maybe trying to find a replacement of similar flow rate but with a venturi. Is this overkill?
skimmer capacity

skimmer capacity

My experience is yes. I also have G3 on my 90 gal system. I am running the original pump as a recirc pump. I added a Sicce 2500 pump as my supply pump. I have to turn the recirc pump off when I had Zeozym or it overflows. Other than that, I really like how it pulls crud out. I also have the overflow mod with a gate valve.
I am a new member of the club I just ordered this.....
with a gift card. I got the "75gal" rated witha sedra 2000. What do you think the model name is for the one I got as it was not listed. I plan on using this on my 75gal softie reef with 100gal total volume....did I cut it too close in gallonage? regardless its gotta be better that the seaclone 150 i am running now...right?
I have a gs on my 90 and just picked up the mini g for my cube for only 60 bucks w/ a new pump. They are both doing awesome! So what iv read that they will do better w/ the mods is this true?
I just joined the club. I have had a G3 on my 55 gal for a for over a year and have done some mods before I found out all the great mods that are suggested in this thread, and will be trying the mesh mod very soon. My question is about one of the mods I did. On the inside of the skimmer where stock inlet is, I put a coupler, piece of pipe and a elbow to shoot the flow downward taking advantage of the lower 4" or so of water volume, increasing the amount of bubbles in the skimmer. It seems to improve the amount of skimmate. Does anybody see anything wrong with this? Am I decreasing the efficiency?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15618872#post15618872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by supertech99
I am a new member of the club I just ordered this.....
with a gift card. I got the "75gal" rated witha sedra 2000. What do you think the model name is for the one I got as it was not listed. I plan on using this on my 75gal softie reef with 100gal total volume....did I cut it too close in gallonage? regardless its gotta be better that the seaclone 150 i am running now...right?
I think you may be cutting it close. I have a 75 and my LFS owner I've known for years recommended I go double, so I have the one rated for 150 gal. It will still be better than your previous skimmer, though if you have an opportunity to return it and go bigger, by all means do it. I have heard some who do the mods and then they notice a big difference.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15619640#post15619640 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by losthere
I just joined the club. I have had a G3 on my 55 gal for a for over a year and have done some mods before I found out all the great mods that are suggested in this thread, and will be trying the mesh mod very soon. My question is about one of the mods I did. On the inside of the skimmer where stock inlet is, I put a coupler, piece of pipe and a elbow to shoot the flow downward taking advantage of the lower 4" or so of water volume, increasing the amount of bubbles in the skimmer. It seems to improve the amount of skimmate. Does anybody see anything wrong with this? Am I decreasing the efficiency?

I tried something similar but mine has a feed pump that enters about 12 inches or so up the side. It shoots water straight across, hits the other side, and pushes most of the flow down. The elbow seemed to cause more micro bubbles in display tank than with doing nothing. I recently got a tee fitting, cut the sides of the tees down to almost nothing, and drilled a 3/8" hole thru the opposite side of the tee, then mounted it inside the skimmer. I tried to make the tee as unobtrusive as possible. Some water, I would guess close to a third or better, makes it through the hole and hits the other side, though at a much less rate. The remainder of the feed blows out the two sides. I originally tried placing the tee vertically, but seems to work better horizontally. I think it is pulling more stuff out of the water, and the micro bubbles in the display are almost non existent.
Re: skimmer capacity

Re: skimmer capacity

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15618471#post15618471 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Safedad
My experience is yes. I also have G3 on my 90 gal system. I am running the original pump as a recirc pump. I added a Sicce 2500 pump as my supply pump. I have to turn the recirc pump off when I had Zeozym or it overflows. Other than that, I really like how it pulls crud out. I also have the overflow mod with a gate valve.

Mine overflows with even a water change. I shut the recirc pump off for a few hours and all is fine. But other than that, do you think it was worth it to get another venturi for use as your feed pump?
I tried the gate valve mod, but guess because of the feed rate, I need to go up at least another size in a gate valve. Really do not care for the sponge on the return tube, seems like could be major nitrate factory.
Wish me luck. I will be doing the recirc mod on a mini-g this weekend. I know you may laugh it's just a mini, but I have it and want to see if it can be better. any sugestions if I should mesh mod the recirc pump?
cjilge, there is no point in mesh modding the recirc pump. that pump is strictly to recirculate the water and is not mixing air with the water.
also to all the new people with ASM skimmers. the mesh mod is a good mod to do, but it needs to ne replaced at a bare minimum of 2 times a year. also the mesh mod is not needed by any means to get this skimmer to work very well.

if you are not able to pull any skim outa the tank allow the skimmer time to break in. if still having problems try adjusting the outlet tube. also take the pump apart and clean it very well. make sure to clean the venturi out on the pump!! some times to do this you need to use a small drill beacuse the salt becomes rock hard and is not easy to get outa there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15618872#post15618872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by supertech99
I am a new member of the club I just ordered this.....
with a gift card. I got the "75gal" rated witha sedra 2000. What do you think the model name is for the one I got as it was not listed. I plan on using this on my 75gal softie reef with 100gal total volume....did I cut it too close in gallonage? regardless its gotta be better that the seaclone 150 i am running now...right?

i would recomend that you return the skimmer if you can and get at least a G1X for that size tank. i run the ASM G1X on my 58g tank and i couldnt see myself going any smaller then that on my tank. the ratings are not always a good way to buy skimmers. every company has a different rating that they think there skimmers are good for.
thanks guy, Since this didnt cost me any money "gift card" I was really just asking if it was an improvement over my seaclone 150. I really want to get a i-tech but my tank is all used equipment as I cant afford this hobby otherwise. If I recirculate and gate valve mod it should get better right? Any ideas on what model I ordered since it does not list it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15648550#post15648550 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by supertech99
thanks guy, Since this didnt cost me any money "gift card" I was really just asking if it was an improvement over my seaclone 150. I really want to get a i-tech but my tank is all used equipment as I cant afford this hobby otherwise. If I recirculate and gate valve mod it should get better right? Any ideas on what model I ordered since it does not list it?

Based on the pump, I'm guessing a mini-g.
supertech99, honestly i think anything would be better then the sea clone... the ASM will blow the sea clown outa the water right outa the box. but i was just saying that the bigger skimmer would be a better choice and more suited to your aquarium. the asm mini g is simply put alittle under rated for you tank in my eyes. but if that is all you can afford, i would recomend waiting until you have the money saved up for the right skimmer.

but again, anything will be better then the sea clone.
I have had and ASM G4P for 1.5 yrs (which is a short model to fit under a cabinet). I have a good 6-7 inches free space above my skimmer and I would like to extend the neck of my skimmer to increase its heigh and air contact time. Has anyone done this ? Does anyone sell the parts to do this ? Note: I have meshmod and gate valve mod.

I have a G4 with a Eheim for recirculating pump and a gate valve mod.100% of drain water drains into the skimmer.
The problem is that im not able to pull a thick/dark skimmate.Its a light tan/watery look.Im no wet skimming just not able to adjust it to the point of skimming better.Is it possible that its over skimming and thats all thats in the water column?I do get a thick build up on the cup neck.