ASM Skimmer Club!

ASM G3 and Sicce Pump

ASM G3 and Sicce Pump

I have attached the pump using a 3/4" X 1" connector at the pump. I used a 1" connector at the skimmer. I used some flexible 1" tubing to connect them together. This allows me to take the pump loose when I want to take the skimmer out of the sump or need to fiddle with the pump to get it restarted.
Sicce psk2500 with red demon impeller (from Aquarium Specialty).

CAN ANYONE HELP ME???? my skimmer doesn't seem to be making a lot of protein/foam. i have a 180gal and ~20 fish ranging from tangs to gobies, so by bio load is on the medium side. i have a sedra 5000 hooked up to it and it also has the gate valve mod. i have it in 6.5" of water in the sump. i would like to do the recirc mod but haven't gotten that far yet, but am i doing something wrong. i KNOW it should be producing more foam.
Port out the output of the sedra pumps with a dremel, you can easily get 2x as much air as stock. On the last one I did, I got really aggressive with the dremel and meshed the pinwheel. It went from around 8scfh to 26-28scfh! I also hooked a kill-a-watt up to it and found it to be running right at specs. This was on a sedra3500 pump. I posted pictures a few pages back. This pump was almost too much for a G2 afterwards. I have had the 5000 up to 30-35 as well.
fishoutofwater i have 2, when u dremeled through the output did you dremel all the way through it or just on the inside towards the center of the pump? two, im getting VERY little to no skintiment and i think something must be wrong with my setup and im trying to figure out what the problem could be
yes, i saw post 744 the first time, that is why i asked the question bc from the pic it only looks like to dremeled the one side and not the whole thing.
Your confusion is confusing me,... Only dremel the output of the pump. Use the threads cut into the inside as a reference. You can dremel into the threads, just not through them. Those are both pics of a 5000, that pump with a meshmod pulled just over 30scfh on the flow meter after that mod as it is pictured. Hope that helps.
You probably already have, but also drill out 1 size larger the air opening in the venturi/make sure it is free of any salt creep.
I am not part of this group got my asm skimmer g2 yesterday with a mesh most spare sedra 3500 pump, two spare shafts, and one spare needle impeller for $125 do you guys have some pics of the gate valve set up I am not sure how all the pvc goes together in order.

Thanks Alot.
Two questions. What is the mod called when all dt overflow water drains directly into skimmer via hose through bulkhead in skimmer's reaction chamber?

And what is the recommended flow through the skimmer with that mod. Seems to me the dwell time of incoming water to the skimmer should be a long time. Something like a factor of 1.5 multiplied by system water volume in gallons?

I have this mod on my asm but don't remember recommended flow. Flow right now through my skimmer as measured with a flow meter is 110 gph. And total system in gallons is about 34. That makes it a factor of ~3.25, should I throttle back my return pump or swap it out with another?
i am having trouble finding any info on the net about this mod. i am looking for the best way to set up my sedra 5000 and how i should run it in the skimmer. my plans were to run the water into a diy bubble cup at the bottom of the skimmer. the cup is a piece of 4 inch pvc i cut to fit in the skimmer. this is the only thing i could find using google lol.
i know pics would help with this so i will post some of my plans and if any could show me how they did theirs i would appreciate it.
thanks Roland
its something i found over the net. basically you take a 4inch pvc i cut mine at 5 inches tall and put it on the bottom on the inside of the skimmer. it supposed to reduce turbulence in the skimmer body and produce smaller bubbles. i will post a pic in a few mins.
Hello just joined the asm club. I just bought a used ASM G2 skimmer off of craigslist for $30. It works great, today I think I am going to do the gate valve mod. Maybe in a few weeks I will do the mesh mod.