ASM Skimmer Club!

Optimal water level to run a G4XX? getting ready to build the sump.

Once again... What is the best water level to run this skimmer?

Hello, I have been out of circulation for awhile and am sorry if I am stepping on this thread...I don't mean to, but I have a question concerning a mod to the ASM G-3 that I wish to place under my 125 RR. I was told that this skimmer could be modified so that it could actually be set up outside the sump and still skim the water from the tank. If you don't mind, please direct me to where I should ask this question... Thank You (and please excuse the intrusion)!!! Rj
I'm now considering a Sicce PSK-2500, my friends 2500 pulls 35 to 40 SCFH. He uses the WM Red Demon impeller. I read some reviews on a website that sells the pump and some of the people say they used them on a G2 and it worked great. Maybe look into that pump.
My G3 is recirculation modded so the psk2500 venturi wouldn't work. Anybody know if a sedra venturi would work on a psk2500?
Hello, I have been out of circulation for awhile and am sorry if I am stepping on this thread...I don't mean to, but I have a question concerning a mod to the ASM G-3 that I wish to place under my 125 RR. I was told that this skimmer could be modified so that it could actually be set up outside the sump and still skim the water from the tank. If you don't mind, please direct me to where I should ask this question... Thank You (and please excuse the intrusion)!!! Rj
There is no such thing as an intrusion on Reef Central.
Hello guys,
I learned a lot about my skimmer from all of you and wanted to pass on my mod build so maybe I will get some feedback on design and/or help someone else down the road. I could not turn my pump perpendicular to the housing due so sump space so I had to get a little creative.

I was going to have to go around to the front of the skimmer for the return to the pump.

Here is the mock up of the recirc system.


I will be feeding it with a MJ1200 2/3 way up the skimmer


I then realized that I had to air going to pump so I found a 3/4 tee and a barb with a 1/8" hose. It worked and pulls a good amount of air.





Gate valve mod


One question you guys can help me with - when I bring the water level up higher with the gate valve - i start getting less bubbles in the system and if it gets too high then all bubbles stop? What might be happening here?
Guys, now it's setup and running my tank is running about 1 to 2 degrees warmer than before? I had the skimmer in there for 9 months with only the mesh mod and gate mod but the recirculation mod has created a little more heat? Any ideas?
The extra pump will contribute to added heat. I use to mix my water in a 10 gal container and let it sit overnight with a mj1200 mixing. The mj would get the water to about 77 degrees.
My G3 is recirculation modded so the psk2500 venturi wouldn't work. Anybody know if a sedra venturi would work on a psk2500?

I use the AquaMaxx venturi on mine, in recirculating fashion, I just glued a pc of 1" pipe to the front of the venturi, problem solved. The Sedra venturi is not ideal and will hinder performance.
Ok guys I just bought a ASM G2. It has had the Sedra 3500 taken off and a Sedra 5000 put in its place. I'm hoping it to be a skimmate monster what do y'all think? Good skimmers? I was so leaning on getting an Octopus or a Vertex used but this fell in my lap for a great price and it had the G3 pump on it. Are there some things I can do to make it even better or do you guys think I should run it and see how the 5000 pulls the stank out first?
I just cant get my new setup to pull much air at all when the water level is at the right level. If the level is down a good bit, then it pulls a good bit but the water level is too low to skim. Thoughts that might help? there an actual venturi or just an air opening? If the barb is just open to the air with no actual venturi you will not pull enough air.
Ah, I removed the venturi to make the turns and have everything fit. I might have to pull it back out and rework it then. It is a pain in the tail to get into and out of my sump.

How much water should it sit in so I can try to knock out 2 birds with one stone.
7 to 8 is ideal, the lower it is, the easier it is to pull air, less pressure to overcome. An air pump is not the solution, a proper venturi is.