Bubble King Skimmer Club

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Mini 200 going on my Rimless starphire 120 gallon


Hey BK owners,

I'm, seriously considering a BK 300 INT for my new system. I wanted to confirm the height per the Premium Aquatics listed dimensions. It reads 25.59" high. I also read that you only need just under an inch to move the collection cup up, is that right?

I'm curious because I want to build my stand shorter, around 30", but want to make sure I have enough clearence for the BK.

My apologies if this has been in the thread, I haven't got a chance to read it yet but I'm starting right now..... :D

does anyone run a 300ext model internally. im trying to decide whether to get a 250submarine or 300ext model but run it in sump w/about 12-14" of water. any issues w/doing this? what are the pros and cons of each model? thanks guys.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12465927#post12465927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by john37
does anyone run a 300ext model internally. im trying to decide whether to get a 250submarine or 300ext model but run it in sump w/about 12-14" of water. any issues w/doing this? what are the pros and cons of each model? thanks guys.
If your going to run it internally, why dont you just get a 300 INT?
because the water lvl in my sump is pretty high and the stand that the ext one comes on will make it perfect for my sump
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12466647#post12466647 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by john37
because the water lvl in my sump is pretty high and the stand that the ext one comes on will make it perfect for my sump
Ah, I see. You could always build a little stand for it. Right now my current skimmer sits on a stand made of a PVC frame with a starboard top. Works great, and cheap because I had the stuff laying around the house.

I remember talking to a local reefer at a frag swap not to long ago who purchased an internal over an external of the same size because the internals are more efficient skimmers. Dont know the truth to that, but thats what he said.
I heard the internals were better too. Easier to adjust and no need for a feed pump.
those with the mini series (i have the mini 160)...question regarding you skimmer cup.

when you lift the cup off there is a white base and then the clear acrylic tubing which detaches for easy cleaning. only problem is, it detaches to easily on mine. i've dumped two batches of nog in my sump last couple times i've gone to empty it.

upon looking closely at the base of the cup (white part) it looks as if there should be an "o ring" around the white base where the clear acrylic slides over to give it a firmer fit.

can someone take a gander and let me know if there is supposed to be an "o ring" on there? anyone else having similar problems?

that aside; skimmer is working great!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12467778#post12467778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dphins
Are there any mods for the mini series skimmers?

I would hope there would be no mods that could be done (or need to be done)on a skimmer with that price tag :eek1: For that kind of money, I hope they got it right in the factory!
Ok, Can someone explain to me in newby baby talk the pros and cons of the SM 250 vs DeLuxe 250 Int?

I am planning a 300g system (tank + sump) and plan on heavy stocking.

One more question, what is the approximate shipping weight of them (i am planning on sending it to Brazil)?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12468725#post12468725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JCTewks
I would hope there would be no mods that could be done (or need to be done)on a skimmer with that price tag :eek1: For that kind of money, I hope they got it right in the factory!
I understand your point, but you're the diy junkie, you can always try to make something better. Just for the sake of trying something different.

RD2000 pump
shorter (for short stands)

Only one way to adjust water level (wedge)
Drain is submerged - so constant water level is a must for consistent performance

Deluxe 250

tried and true
2 ways to adjust water level (standpipe and wedge)
Taller - more contact time

Smaller pump (Rd1500)
More expensive

My SM250, with box and packagaing material was ~30 lbs
a buddy of mine just got a gigantic external octopus with 2 recirc pumps running since thur morning. Hasnt pulled a drop of skimmate yet and i keep laughing at him saying well a bubble king would have by now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12469133#post12469133 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jmstreithorst
Many thanks.

Guess 300g system will fit with the SM 250, then?
Cheap(er) is GOOD!
There might be a Brazilian club member soon.

What's your total water volume and planned stocking/feeding? maybe a Deluxe 300 might fit your needs?

Personally, i would go with a Deluxe because I like that there's longer contact time. I only went SM due to space limitations.
Total water will be about 300g (220 tank and 60 to 80sh sump).
Oh, and I want to be prepared to overstocking.
The issue for me is that by sending it to Brazil, every additional kilo means USD 20 more and every dollar another 10 cents.
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