Eddie, what are you going to do with your 120G once switched over?
Eddie we owe you so much since you founded fmas as a teenager that i think you should let us the members build the tank for you as a token of appreciation!!! It will be the best tank in town lol.
LOL im making a list of those willing to help!!! Transfer day will require lots of help. You guys know Im generous!!
LOL Bobby! I'll take lots of xenia and a few aptasias. Maybe some asterinas.Josh
I will talk to Lourdes and get the key to the house and one day this week wile hes at work we will go and do the swap. when he comes home from work its done and he can start buying new stuff After I load him up with leathers and a RBT.
Eddie. Put me in that transfer list. I have everything we need.
come on it should have already been up and have water in it whats the hold up did you loose your hurrycane already....should be a piece of cake let me know when you want to get that overflow done.....
Congratulations Eddie, I am happy to see your upgrade, Ill be happy to help, Please let me know a few days before.
I thought you it came with a sticker “just add water and plug in”
nice cleaning
as far as the overflow its a GREAT idea- since the tank does not have a safety overflow I would consider Matt's idea.
ENjoy my friend