DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

How do you like your BK Mini200?

How long did it take for you to grow out your pink lemonade to be that huge?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15266640#post15266640 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Dan, get a pair of Bimac anthias... I think they look really nice
Yes, they do look nice. I'll keep them on my list.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15267468#post15267468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer08
How do you like your BK Mini200?

How long did it take for you to grow out your pink lemonade to be that huge?
Ramzy, I love my BK. It does a great job but most of all it is silent.

The PL went into the tank in Oct. 2007 as a fully encrusted frag about 1" long.

Here is a picture in Jan 2008 about 1 1/2"

Here is a picture as of today about 5"x5" and has been fragged several times.
WOW! Your pink lemonade is huge now! You need to teach me your secret to growing it that fast!

What are you dosing? zeovit? prodibio? Vodka? VSV?

What kelvin bulb did you use during jan 2008 till recently?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15269387#post15269387 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer08
WOW! Your pink lemonade is huge now! You need to teach me your secret to growing it that fast!

What are you dosing? zeovit? prodibio? Vodka? VSV?

What kelvin bulb did you use during jan 2008 till recently?
Yah, I’m pretty happy with its growth. As for the fast growth secret, well I went to this lab up north called BALCO and :lol: .

I’m dosing Probidio (Reef Booster & Bio Digest) and vodka. Not much vodka, maybe 2 ml. twice a week when I can remember. I’m pretty consistent with the Probidio products though, one capsule a week on the same day.

The bulbs that were shipped with my fixture were Giesemann Megachrome Marine 13.5K SE MH. The T-5s are 3 Giesemann 22K and a Fiji Purple. The MHs are too white for my taste but I can’t complain about the growth. I’m about to make a MH bulb change to the Aquamaxx 14K. I got‘em cheap so I’m going to check’em out.
These pictures were taken in May 2009. Happy with the growth and things are really settling in. The calcium and kalk reactors are now tuned and I rarely have to add any elements. If you look closely though there is the start of some sort of red algae in the rocks. It is very low growing and hard (impossible) to get off. Doesn’t seem to bother the corals but is irritating me. I had it in my old 110 for a while until it slowly disappeared over time, hoping that this will follow the same pattern. If anyone has any ideas how to speed its demise, I'm all ears.



I don’t know and will try to get a better picture tonight. It is purple/red and is really, really tight to the rocks. It is impossible to grab a hold of and nearly impossible to scrub off with a toothbrush. The only way I’ve been able to clear some off is to shade a spot for a few days, then scrub it off. Turbos, Margaritas, Ceriths, nassarius or hermits don’t seem to want to have anything to do with it. My scribbled rabbit occasionally picks at it but it doesn’t seem to like it.
Weird! I have the same algae in my tank. Its a deep red color. Doesn't look like coraline right? Kinda fuzzy in texture? But really tightly stuck to the rocks.

I asked the zeovit guys and they said it probably is:
But I don't believe it is that from the pictures.
Ramzy, sounds like we may have the same algae.:( It’s almost the same color (maybe a deeper red/purple) as in the picture but is not puffy like the one in the link. Very tight to the rocks, doesn't appear to affect any of the corals as a matter of fact the corals seem to kill it as they encrust. I donno maybe it’s slowing the encrusting??? I had it in my last tank until it just started disappearing. I'm going to try and snap a picture tonight.
Actually, I have a pretty good picture in my Photobucket. Forget the chalice and take a look at the frag rock that it is mounted on, is this what you have?

Anyone have any ideas how to eliminate it?

Tank's looking nice, Dan. I've had that stuff before and just ignored it. It eventually went away on it's own. Maybe it's just part of the tank cycle as it matures.
Yeah it doesn't get as large in the pictures on that website. All of the algae stays about 2mm and just encrusts across the rocks, very deep red/purple.

Whats your phosphate at? I never test mine but I believe it to be very low since im on my 2nd month of zeo and little to no algae build up on the glass. I think its safe to assume this algae isn't caused by high nutrients.

Do you ever get dinoflaggeate algae (brown slime) build up on your sand with prodibio?

btw is that a huge oregon tort on the left of your pink lemonade in the pics of your front tank shot?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15277514#post15277514 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pookstreet
Tank's looking nice, Dan. I've had that stuff before and just ignored it. It eventually went away on it's own. Maybe it's just part of the tank cycle as it matures.
Thanks Kenny. I agree, I think (hope) that it will go away just like it did in my last tank.
Yep, thats turf algae and its a lot better that the red cotton candy algae. An urchin will also remove it.

What type of plays are those Dan that are front and center?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15278167#post15278167 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer08
Yeah it doesn't get as large in the pictures on that website. All of the algae stays about 2mm and just encrusts across the rocks, very deep red/purple.

Whats your phosphate at? I never test mine but I believe it to be very low since im on my 2nd month of zeo and little to no algae build up on the glass. I think its safe to assume this algae isn't caused by high nutrients.

Do you ever get dinoflaggeate algae (brown slime) build up on your sand with prodibio?

btw is that a huge oregon tort on the left of your pink lemonade in the pics of your front tank shot?
My phospates are at 0.03 (Hanna) and have been for a while, so I think that nutrients only play a small part. But remember that the nitrates could be "in balance", so I run GFO 24x7 that changed it every 3-4 weeks and have cheato in the fuge. I do not get dinos on the sand and have been on Prodibio for about a year or so.

Oregon Tort:thumbsup: good eye!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15278570#post15278570 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
Yep, thats turf algae and its a lot better that the red cotton candy algae. An urchin will also remove it.

What type of plays are those Dan that are front and center?
Thanks Mark. Do you think I should get a pin cushion or long spine?

Are you thinking of the Jokers?
Wow you have some huge LE colonies! Ive had my oregon tort for 1.5 years and its only 2 inches lol. Whats the red acro all the way on the far left? Above the mystery wrasse. Red robin?