DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

Looking good, Dan :thumbsup:

All he needed was a $30 tripod that actually holds the camera up :rolleye1:
Thanks Kenny and I'll post a picture of my baller tripod sometime :bum:. And I didn't pay $30 for it (it was free actually) :o Sheesh, here I am...Kenny's coming by, everything clean, equipment looking good, all the newbie stuff hidden in the closet and I get call out for the tripod :lmao:
Nice Grapejuice, I just got me some of this the other weekend from a local guy!

WOW Dan, your photography skills have improved by leaps and bounds!~ How much does a class at the Kenney School of Photography go for??? Sign me up!!!

Seriously though... did you get a new camera or something?
Thanks Dave, nope same camera, same tank, same person shooting just with a few Pookie tips and its looking good. All he asked for is my first born wrasse rumpelstiltskin...rumpelstiltskin...rumpelstiltskin :lolspin:
Great tank. Love all the corals you have just amazing. What is your stock list for fish in the tank? Possible FTS?
Thank you for the compliment. My current fish list is:

Amphiprion ocellaris (breeding pair)
Neocirrhitus armatus
Siganus doliatus
Odontanthias borbonius
Xanthicthys ringens
Bodianus masudai
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus
Macropharyngodon geoffroy
Acanthurus dussumieri
Cirrhilabrus jordani x3
Zebrasona Desjardini
Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis x2 (in QT)

There are ~65 corals in the display and with CFM around the corner, a few more will be added soon :D (My wallet just said ouch.)
Great looking corals Dan. Love the fish list too. How is the trigger? Is it well behaved? Also those rabbit fish grow pretty fast, I keep one in my 130 softy tank and it is now almost 6 inches.
Thank you for the compliment. My current fish list is:

Amphiprion ocellaris (breeding pair)
Neocirrhitus armatus
Siganus doliatus
Odontanthias borbonius
Xanthicthys ringens
Bodianus masudai
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus
Macropharyngodon geoffroy
Acanthurus dussumieri
Cirrhilabrus jordani x3
Zebrasona Desjardini
Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis x2 (in QT)

There are ~65 corals in the display and with CFM around the corner, a few more will be added soon :D (My wallet just said ouch.)

Very nice. Yeah I bet your wallet is saying that!
Great looking corals Dan. Love the fish list too. How is the trigger? Is it well behaved? Also those rabbit fish grow pretty fast, I keep one in my 130 softy tank and it is now almost 6 inches.
Thanks Greg. I really like the Red Tail and he's a good citizen, almost shy except when it comes to feeding time, then he's a pig. The Scribbled Rabbit is nice and I know that I'm on borrowed time with both him and the duss. I'll enjoy them while I can and maybe send them to someone with a bigger tank when the time comes.
Thanks again, I just looked at your thread. Man I would kill for a fish room like you (and Greg) and other's have. Did you ever add SPS to your tank?

Thanks Dan, Yeah I love my little fish room I have. Its very useful when its not under the tank. But no i have never really got into the coral theme of the tank. Always loved the fish. But I am starting to add some corals soon hopefully to make the tank look better. You can check out some more recents photos in the Photography forum and my thread is called Reeftanks 90g Reef.
Finally reaching "escape velocity"

Beautiful shot, Dan! Did you finally fix the tripod??? :lmao:

Nice granulosa Dan.

Very nice Dan :thumbsup:
Thanks guys, the Pooks' Photography School sure made a difference. And no new tripod yet, how can I get rid of somethig that has a bent nail holding it together :o. I don't **think** it's a granulosa. Supposed to be an A. rosaria (Tyree Ponape Rainbow), I have no clue but I do like it.