DAS skimmer club

He built custom skimmers and also sold the DAS skimmers. I imagine he could have built a heavier duty das/old deltec design copy. But I never found the Das skimmers to be built poorly by any means. They arent made from the heaviest material but the same design built with heavier duty material isnt going to perform any better.
unless you have to buy a whole new pump for $140 a year after you buy the skimmer....I am a bit disgruntled to say the least....all because it leaked and nothing else would stop it....petorama would do nothing to take $$$ off the price either...took my money happily...
Good, all you need is a new O-ring. If you read the last 2 or maybe 3 pages back in this thread it says which 1. You can get it anywhere. Some people were talking about it and you could message them and I'm sure they would help you figure out which O-ring you need.
LOL I was the one that was doing the O ring conversation. It wasn't an O ring issue. I replaced every single one in the pump and walked through every single part with Petorama. It just leaked no matter what we tried and they said "looks like you need to just buy a new pump...we have them available to buy on our website" LOL...so thank you for the advice, but just realize it was DarG and I that were discussing this issue and its solutions....
thats ok...it was funny :p
no and I had petorama send me all their O rings...and it never worked...the new pump is perfect....but now I have a very expensive inexpensive skimmer LOL
I still love the stupid thing though and it does a great job for what it is
Looks like my DAS EX-1 pump has a small leak, about a drop every minute that's dripping slowly from the underside of the pump... anyone know the likely culprit, before I have time to take it apart?

ooooh do I ever....take it apart and clean the impellers etc...there is also an Oring in there that you may need to replace...see all my threads just above here with dimensions on what you need. I will tell you in the end I had to order an entire new pump ($140) to solve the issue and (knock on every piece of wood in my house) it has been perfect and worked amazing. Hopefully you don't have to do that though...definitely clean it and if that doesn't work do the Oring...
great, thanks for all the tips - it was late night i should've taken the time to read the previous few pages of the thread, lol, but was too tired.
My EX-1 leaks from the bottom too, I actually broke the bonded seal, between the pump and the pvc elbow, while cleaning the pump on the intake part of the pump. The seal broke somehow, I just need to re pvc cement it and it should be fine. Look into that issue.

It drips a little too but I just let the salt creep fix the issue after a couple of days. Cheaper and lazier way of fixing it. Also if all goes to H.E. double hockey sticks, you can always put the skimmer in your sump and not worry about the small pump leaks.
My EX-1 running on about 50 lbs of LR that is curing for my next tank:

This is about a day and 8 hours or so of skimming wet:


And my setup:


It works great so far! Its goin on a 68 whenever that might be...lol.
I figured out how to get better air flow from this thread...So I thank you all for your posts.

But on to new issues with my EX1...

I have 7 chromis, a mag Foxface, a pair of clowns, and a pair of Banggais. Plus some coral, and an anemone. (RBTA small still)

Lately I have been getting more gunk in the neck (still good to clean out but I want more) but not much skimmate. I know this is not one of those 1000 dollar+ Skimmers...but I know it should be skimming a little better. I was wondering where I should have my bubbles set at.

Currently With the air valuve closed (no bubbles) the water is just below the neck so I can take off the cup/neck and clean it without the intake pump having to be adjusted. And when it's clean and I put it back on...I dial in the bubbles till they are mid way up the CUP part of the neck.


Is this not high enough. I want the most bang for my buck...is there any advice on how to get more quality skimmate?
What I did with my EX-1 was add a gate valve to the outlet to better control the height of the bubbles (you may have that in the picture, but I can't see photobucket at work). After I added the gate valve I slowed the GPH through the skimmer and I was still able to get the bubble breaking point 1/2 way up the neck of the collection cup. I was having the same problems you were having until I did the mod.
It sounds like you have it set right. I don't know if I'd do the gate valve mod on this. This skimmer is essentially a Deltec AP600 with slight differences in the impeller and it is NEVER advised to restrict the output of an AP600 in any way. In fact the output hose should not be submerged at all. Are you gravity feeding the skimmer? That makes a HUGE difference IME and is the biggest selling point of this type of skimmer.