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I've got a question on my upcoming stand build. My tank footprint is 60x18. I'm going to be building my stand bigger at 70x23. I know that I need cross braces on the top for where the tank sits but my question is: Can I use a 2x6 for the length of the frame and 2x4's for the legs with no center brace?(using plans from Rocketengineer) I'm going to put a center brace in the rear.
I use a different system using offset doubled 2x4's and half inch plywood sandwiched between them. There would be a solid three and a half inch perimeter support around the top of the stand. So the opening inside would be 63x16. The 2x4's are offset so that a 3/4" plywood shelf can be dropped inside flush to the outer 2x4. I use 2x6 or 2x8 legs with a notch for the horizontals, and ripped on one corner for a plywood bracing panel. This system leaves plenty of room underneath for equipment or a tank up to equal the foot print of the tank above it. It does not count on the plywood skin of the stand contributing to stability so you can attach the decorative skin with magnets and lift it away for very full access to anything underneath.