DSPS tank from Thailand (1000 gallon+)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15711957#post15711957 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by The Escaped Ape
Wow! Stunning aquascaping. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite that graceful. Love the pics with the wet suit as well. Will you have to don the wet suit every time you need to place a coral? I guess there's no other way... :)
I was going to ask same question.
Can you please have someone take a video of you or somebody climbing in and out of that monster.

I can't believe that the rock work is even better than it was the other day.

You do have 1000 watt MH's in your canopy right? I can't recall.

Do you have an idea about how you want to place the corals. Are you going to place M. Capricornis colonies lower in the tank, your tabling corals lower to midlevel,Stag horn acropora midlevel, with combryose type colonies higher up?

The final placement of the corals is going to be really fun to follow along. Thanks for taking all of these pictures to document your progress.

Too bad when you transfer over you giant colonies they are going to look like tiny 1 inch frags in this monster!

The biggest bummer is going to
Hi Ching.... after reading comments from so many reefers that they spend hours going through your build... I try to read it in bits... everday :) Awesome build & an experts rendering of thriving reef... Thumbsup!

What are you using to clean the acrylic.

Also interested in the answer to this question - Ching, what is the tank mfgr using to get the scratches out and polish the acrylic?

TIA :)
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I think you need to move it all just a couple inches to the ......;)

Looks fantastic!! absolutely fantastic!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15712314#post15712314 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by noahm
I think you need to move it all just a couple inches to the ......;)
my house?lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15712241#post15712241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SERVO

You do have 1000 watt MH's in your canopy right? I can't recall.

IIRC he is using 400 Watters

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15711697#post15711697 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chingchai
They use some kind of wax. I am not sure whether it is carnauba or not.
Will ask them tomorrow.

If they do use wax, can you describe the procedure? Thanx!!
Gets better and better every week. Great job with the rock!!!
Have you tested it against water movement? I am already worry about the tank flow against the rock columns. Good luck with that!!! Keep the pictures coming!
Looks great, when are you putting the sand in? If your going to scuba don't you need to be completely covered?, to prevent oils etc getting into the aquarium? The aqua scape looks amazing.
Is this how you'll have to clean the tank once the corals are in there?
I must say this is the most amazingly planned and executed builds I have seen to date! I'm excited to see it wet and scaped. I can't can't even imagine how beautiful it will be when it's mature. kudos to you!
Can't wait to see it filled with sand, fish and corals!!!

This has got to be my all time favorite tank/build, just phenomenal!!! The rock work is out of this world amazing, looks very natural and open, LOVE IT!!!

Cheers to you Ching!
if you can be more generous and make another video? later on!
for some reason my firewall won't let me see you web cam!
Thanks in advanced!
Absolutly incredible. I spend my last 2 or 3 days reading the full thread.. I'm jealous in the good way, about how u can handle a massive set up...

U love he hobby, the set up is incredible, the technology is completly state of the art....

Keep doing ur pasion and ur big set up and continue with tons of pics to inspired hundreds around the world.

Congrats from Puerto Rico, the shinning star of the Caribean
Imagine having to take your own submerged displacement into consideration when sizing your sump! I wish I had problems like that!

I agree another video would be awesome please if you have time. Us Mac users are really suffering here!