DSPS tank from Thailand (1000 gallon+)

chingchai - looks like you're going to stock up fast, which means I can find an excuse to go to Bkk sooner !!

I will bring you a bottle of good French wine - no worries...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15735674#post15735674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by noahm
actually he posted some price several pages back. I think he said around $150 for a similar sized coral. It seems to be VERY reasonable compared to what we pay here in the states, but I don't know how that compares to average income there.

When you calculate a price of a coral the main issue is the freight which is more expensive that the coral itself.

We're talking BKK here, which I assume is not more than ~2.5-3hrs flight away from Jakarta/Bali.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15736005#post15736005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chingchai
Was it a good French Wine you drink?
If so, please give me the name.:p

It was wine from "Medoc, Bordeaux" year 2003, it was not a Chateau but a selection from there by a dealer, still very good and unexpensive price, I bought here in Taiwan for about US$20 at french hypermarket during their wine fair promotion, they have wine from everywhere, you should have too in Thailand, next time I will check the Brazil wine following Marcelo advice.

It's now day time in Bangkok and I checked at your video tank, your ligth was off, can you advice the timing of the light period you are using? I guess should be at nigth after your work time.
Reading this thread has been a great accompaniment to a glass of spicy, South Australian Shiraz.
Can't wait to see the livestock put in!
Hey I've heard about vodka dosing, I wonder if wine dosing is feasible?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740558#post15740558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lewis Smart
Reading this thread has been a great accompaniment to a glass of spicy, South Australian Shiraz.
Can't wait to see the livestock put in!
Hey I've heard about vodka dosing, I wonder if wine dosing is feasible?

Well, looking at this topic, i noticed that wine dosing the tank owner is very feasible....:rolleye1:

Sir, I applaud you. It is exceedingly easy to, despite having seemingly unlimited resources, to still stuff things up.
Your project has been meticulously planned and it is obvious where your success stems from.

I do suspect you will be in line for another TOTM and THOF (Tank Hall of Fame - they should have that as well). This gives the rest of us something to aspire to.

I cannot wait to see the completed product, but also have enjoyed the construction imensely.

I now know what I want when I grow up. hehehe, Next months "Top 10 reasons - Why world economy improved": 1 - 10 We all want tanks like Chingchai

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15736513#post15736513 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sammy113
Thank God I found this thread now after being thread of the month. Otherwise I'd be so impatient waiting day to day for updates. This has to be the best build I have ever seen and probably will see in my life. Being an architecture student and seeing all this planning, diagram and renders of my favorite hobby makes me wanna cry lol. This should really be the thread of the year and some day very close not TOTM but the TOTY. Thanks for sharing this amazing axperience

sammy113. Thanks for your kind words.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15737282#post15737282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by welldigger
Do you think your skimmer quit for four days because of you being in the tank? I know when I put my hand in my sump, the oil will actually change how the skimmer performs for a short time.


Yes, my skimmer doesn't work well because of oil.
Don't put your hand in the tank too often and you will see the positive effect.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15737616#post15737616 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marcelo_Brasil

Hi Carlos , nice to meet another Brazilian that is sharing the same wonderful topic...Hope some day i could make Chingchai a visit so i can see this beauty alive, and carry him some home wines to taste.. [/B]

Marcelo. You are more than welcome.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15739715#post15739715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
chingchai - looks like you're going to stock up fast, which means I can find an excuse to go to Bkk sooner !!

I will bring you a bottle of good French wine - no worries...

Ed. Thanks so much.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740115#post15740115 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Vili_Shark
When you calculate a price of a coral the main issue is the freight which is more expensive that the coral itself.

We're talking BKK here, which I assume is not more than ~2.5-3hrs flight away from Jakarta/Bali.

You are right.
Just want to add one more thing.
The longer transit time, the more risk for the LFS owner.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740148#post15740148 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blue corner
It was wine from "Medoc, Bordeaux" year 2003, it was not a Chateau but a selection from there by a dealer, still very good and unexpensive price, I bought here in Taiwan for about US$20 at french hypermarket during their wine fair promotion, they have wine from everywhere, you should have too in Thailand, next time I will check the Brazil wine following Marcelo advice.

It's now day time in Bangkok and I checked at your video tank, your ligth was off, can you advice the timing of the light period you are using? I guess should be at nigth after your work time.

Pascal. Thank you for the wine's name. I will look for it.

Now I only turn on VHO at noontime to 6pm.
Will set up proper timing when I add corals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740558#post15740558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lewis Smart
Reading this thread has been a great accompaniment to a glass of spicy, South Australian Shiraz.
Can't wait to see the livestock put in!
Hey I've heard about vodka dosing, I wonder if wine dosing is feasible?

Lewis. Thanks.
No, I don't want to try dosing Wine in my tank.:p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740848#post15740848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Corry

Sir, I applaud you. It is exceedingly easy to, despite having seemingly unlimited resources, to still stuff things up.
Your project has been meticulously planned and it is obvious where your success stems from.

I do suspect you will be in line for another TOTM and THOF (Tank Hall of Fame - they should have that as well). This gives the rest of us something to aspire to.

I cannot wait to see the completed product, but also have enjoyed the construction imensely.

I now know what I want when I grow up. hehehe, Next months "Top 10 reasons - Why world economy improved": 1 - 10 We all want tanks like Chingchai


Corry. Thanks a lot for your kind words.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15740848#post15740848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Corry
"Top 10 reasons - Why world economy improved": 1 - 10 We all want tanks like Chingchai


:lol: Definitely I want a tank like Chingchai's; until I can afford that one I will buy a round trip tkt to BKK to watch the reefs outdoor & indoor :bum:
Wow, Amazing to see such wine variety in one thread. :)

I suggest we get a group trip together to Chingchai's place. Everyone from the wine producing countries can bring some of their finest bottles and we will all enjoy them in front of this amazing reef tank! Drink... I mean Think of the fun!!! :lol:

"Reef Tasting Bangkok 2009. Wine, Reefs and Good Fun."
ok, I have a case of our finest Ice Wine from the Niagra region. That would be one of the Canadian offerings.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15744138#post15744138 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Oldtimer
Wow, Amazing to see such wine variety in one thread. :)

I suggest we get a group trip together to Chingchai's place. Everyone from the wine producing countries can bring some of their finest bottles and we will all enjoy them in front of this amazing reef tank! Drink... I mean Think of the fun!!! :lol:

"Reef Tasting Bangkok 2009. Wine, Reefs and Good Fun."

Can I just drink Caffeine free diet dr. pepper?