DSPS tank from Thailand (1000 gallon+)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15753419#post15753419 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eyesinthedrk
are there any plug ins required to view these web cams like flash player, activeX or something else? i can log in and the page loads up just fine but no images

im running fire fox if that makes a difference

I to had trouble with Firefox, I then used Internet Explorer and no problems.
Chingchai, you need to be very careful doing tank cleaning as you have very shape sands, I had the same sand and gave up as it didn't matter how careful I did there were always chances a sand got stuck in clean pad, but looks like you have a very good maintaining team they will do much better than me but extra patience always needed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15752845#post15752845 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DiazE
First off I love this build!
How is the skimmer working with all that sand addition?
I love that monster skimmer!

DiazE. Thanks.

BK is working fine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15752928#post15752928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by searey
This is a great build. I have been using your ideas for my 800 and 700 gal. build. I did look into the rd2 pump you are using for your return,did you know they have been recalled? Keep posting as we are all very interested in your build.

Yes, I did hear about RD2 problem.
Hope it won't happen to mine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15753028#post15753028 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ArvisV
Greetings from Lithuania Ching. Your tank should be inspiration and example for all of us ;) Thanks for sharing, good luck and respect :thumbsup:

Uz. Thank you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15753147#post15753147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ataylo13
When you tank is full how well do your overflows handle the water displacement when you climb in? Do you pre drain some water or get in slowly?

You think the same as me.
But when I climb in the tank, water level has barely changed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15754445#post15754445 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sunsetSPS
Chingchai, you need to be very careful doing tank cleaning as you have very shape sands, I had the same sand and gave up as it didn't matter how careful I did there were always chances a sand got stuck in clean pad, but looks like you have a very good maintaining team they will do much better than me but extra patience always needed.

Thanks for your warning.
I will be very careful. It used to happen to my other tank.
This is by far one of the nicest builds I have watched. I love the webcam link! I can't wait to see the corals and fish in the tank. Please list what live stock you plan to add.
Thanks so much!
I have the same sand Ching, it will move about a bit in high flow, for a few weeks until it settles, the fine grains go to the bottom and the larger ones come to the top in a higher flow tank.

Do anticipate any browning out of corals as the system will have to settle a little bit?
Will you put all the fish in at once or stagger their introduction?
It looks like we lost the last two days as we were warned would happen.......I miss the latest batch of pictures.

Wow. I love this new board.

Here is the re-post of yesterday pics.

water parameter tested by Aquaraise(made in Thailand)

• Temperature – 24 degree C
• Salinity Gravity – 35ppt (1.025)
• pH – 8.08
• dKH – 9.0
• Ca – 420
• Mg – 1150




SPS - 25
LPS - 9
Clam - 3
Pink Carpet Anemone - 1
Blue Carpet Anemone - 1
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) - 10
Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) - 10
Sally Lightfoot Crab (Percnon gibbesi) - one pair



Everything seems so tiny in such a big tank, but many of those colonies in a mid size tank would take over!

Amazing job, and truely an inspiring build that most of us dream of.