Ehhh......I have never heard some nit pick over what should be a FUN and Sharing event.
I suggest those who be gettin' thy panty in da' bunch, about what counts (or not) to chill and remember what difference it makes one way or the other........nothing.
Its not going to make your break you either way in the long run, and it just makes it a lame %^$# around for everyone, leaving a bad taste and resentment.
Like most LE things, the list is subjective and based on ones/group view of the current market. I have been watching with curosity what ends up on the list, and feel its been fair without being out of line with the classification either way. Would I agree with it
Which is why different people have "judged" them in the past.
Good job so far, keep up the good work......too late to second guess, or to look seems Chris is busting his buns to get this going for you!!
Just have fun, and remember what its all about, and take notes for next time if you want something changed.
Trust me, nothing good will come about of it if this continues.