After hundreds of metal concerts in my teens I know my hearing is bad.
This is actually a very good point. My kids can watch TV with what sounds like no volume to myself or my wife yet they understand all of the dialog. I should ask them if they hear anything odd about the tank. I could turn on/off the gyre and Jebaos and see if they can spot a difference.
My PC speakers sound absolutely amazing (for pc speakers) when playing music (former audiophile before this hobby) but when there is no input they make a distracting buzzing noise. When reading reviews maybe 2% of reviews mention the noise. It isn't from the PC, it is from the speaker's bluetooth searching for a signal. When not listening to music I turn them off because the noise drives me insane. My son with "perfect" hearing doesn't understand why. I have told him they make a buzzing sound and he is like "huh? I don't hear anything" and he can hear TV that to me sounds muted. Hearing is a very interesting subject.
FYI: I have always use earplugs at all concerts ever since my late 20s. I purchased Etymotic musician plugs which are amazing. If anyone reading this hasn't tried them, buy them (they are like $15) before your next concert.
The video posted earlier is completely silent which is not like my unit. Maybe that one is broken in, maybe the camera can't pick up the noise? I am going to try to capture the sound tomorrow if I can. Like I have already post it isn't a big deal but mine isn't silent like that video shows.