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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15429654#post15429654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bzuka
i'm new to the hobby and i have 15gal tank and nowadays only golden fishes are in there

now you have me guessing---what kind of fish do you have---by your description I guessing yellow damsels?

Re: Noobie fish keeper

Re: Noobie fish keeper

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15430259#post15430259 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by frahny
Hello all! Im in the process of making my first SW tank. I have kept cichlids prior and I beleive im turning into a sponge with all of the info i have been soaking up...

Tank is 75 gal with 20 gal sump

tank is not up yet but will be in about two weeks.

Im looking to cycle the tank with LR and then start to work my way to a reef setup.

Any direction would be helpful and thoughts would be well excepted.


your on the right track--cycling your tank with live rock.

Have you read Water Keeper's articles yet?


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15430289#post15430289 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coyote97
Thanks for the welcome and advice. You didn't address the crushed coral. From what I've read since I've purchased it, it sounds like most people don't use it. I've read that you have to constantly vacuum it. Should I try to return it and go with LS or the sandbox sand? As for the overflow, I cannot hang it on the side because the canopy will not allow it. Regarding the RO/DI system, is there a system specifically for marine tanks or do you buy something that is used for your home? Does it have to be plumbed to the tank? My tank location is pretty far from the sink.
And thanks for the tip on photobucket. I will set up an account and then start a build thread of my own so you can watch my progress.
Thanks again,

Sorry about missing the crushed coral. If you can take it back you are wise too for the issues you have mentioned above. I would suggest a medium grade argonite- about one inch. People have used sand box sand(as long as they don't have cats--:eek2: :lol: ) but I am a firm believer in purchasing good quality live rock and a good argonite sand bed because these form the base of your filtration system for the life of your tank.

I have never vacuumed a sand bed--mine or others--rather I use a turkey baster and lightly baste it once a week. With really good flow in your tank this gets the detrius etc back into the water column where it can be filtered off. Adding necessarius snails also keeps it healthy and unclumped.

There are alot of excellent ro/di units for sale for marine use for about 200 dollars.
I know of these guys--who run a very informative thread on here and are always very helpful


Look forward to your progress on your build thread.
7.5 lbs of live rock at the moment if need more will get some. i am looking for suggestions on a light. kind of on a budget trying to get a piece a weak till tank is done. again thanks for the info. correction on first post "anemones" was thinking those or soft coral or hard ones maybe polyps im not real sure just dont want it to look like a fresh water tank with really colorful fish
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Hi. I'm a complete newbie to saltwater. I have a 120g all-male hap/peacock African tank and a 20g Kyoga Flameback breeder tank. I'm setting up my first 60g reef tank. Picking it up next week. Looking forward to learning from everyone on this board! :)
Hi All!
I'm very new to saltwater tanks, in fact I havn't even set mine up yet! I have a 29 gallon waiting for me, but I want to do my research and buy my equipment bit by bit. So any suggestions would be appreciated!
I currently have a 55 gallon African Cichlid (malawi) tank set up, along with a 10 and 5 gallon cichlid grow out tank.
I recently bought a 3 gallon eclipse system that I wanted to set up with some live rock and a crab, but then my mominlaw gave me her 29 gallon to use :dance:
are there any Canadian members here?? im from southern Ontario
Hi Bmevans, Aidandane and Crystal
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Man we sure are getting an influx of Cichlid breeders. Crystal the Capn is form Hamilton, Canada, I'm form Hamilton, Ohio so don't get us confused.

Here is some reading to keep you up at night
Tank Selection
Completing The Set-up
Natural Filtration I
Natural Filtration II
Natural Filtration III
Various Nutrient Control Methods
Adding Some Science to Your Tank, Part 1
Adding Some Science to Your Tank, Part 2

WK shamelessly shills his articles. :D

Do we have 419 members registered as bmevans before you? ;)
Hi Frahny

I'm going to have to post a limit on people that live in Hamilton anywhere. We are as bad a locust. :D

Crystal all about Capn-hylinur but, as he is a regular RC greeter (just scroll up), I'm sure he will find you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15437504#post15437504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WaterKeeper
Hi Frahny
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

I'm going to have to post a limit on people that live in Hamilton anywhere. We are as bad a locust. :D

Crystal all about Capn-hylinur but, as he is a regular RC greeter (just scroll up), I'm sure he will find you.

:lol: yeah about time we had some folk from Gloucester on here
Hello, I'm a full time student in Phoenix going for my BS in engineering. I've had a 30 g since April this year and have definitely become an addict (and poorer). Ever since I found this site it has been a daily routine to learn something new about reef tanks. I just wish I found you guys before I set the tank up!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15437504#post15437504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by WaterKeeper
Hi Frahny
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

I'm going to have to post a limit on people that live in Hamilton anywhere. We are as bad a locust. :D

Crystal all about Capn-hylinur but, as he is a regular RC greeter (just scroll up), I'm sure he will find you.

I find you a marine lawyer and then you cut up Hamiltonians---what kind of gratitude is that WK
:lol: :rollface: :lol:

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>Fellow Hamiltonian Frahny</b></i></big></big>
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15437413#post15437413 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CrystalH
I'm from Hamilton, ON as well, or did you know that already? LOL, whereabouts is the capn located? im central.

neato Crystal----Hamilton west mountain

2frosty4u--my reef buddy is from central Hamilton too.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15437748#post15437748 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
:lol: yeah about time we had some folk from Gloucester on here

nah--this isn't a soccer site---they wouldn't be interested
Although I heard waterkeeper played professional soccer---his team won the world cup in 1912;) :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15439648#post15439648 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dingo44
Hello, I'm a full time student in Phoenix going for my BS in engineering. I've had a 30 g since April this year and have definitely become an addict (and poorer). Ever since I found this site it has been a daily routine to learn something new about reef tanks. I just wish I found you guys before I set the tank up!

I hope that is 30gal and not 30 grades;)

I wished the very thing before I joined and spent a tremondous amount of money on junk which has all been replaced

Hi all iv just joined this site after reading books and scouting fourms for the last year.
I'm about to set up about a 37gal reef tank and would love any help i can get. Will set up a thread and post pics on progress so you can wag your finger at me when im getting it wrong.
many thanks
Jim (england)
I suppose I should have introduced myself sooner, but I just stumbled upon this thread. I start by saying I have always been fascinated with ocean being that I grew up a mile from the beach my entire life. I live in small nieghboring town to SF, lots of amazing fish stores. 3 years ago I met my boyfriend, aquaboy620, who introduced to his fish tank first thing when entering his home. I was in awe!!!!!! It was so beautiful, I immediatly fell in love with the hobby. (lucky for him, all his other girlfriends left him over it, being its so time consuming) I have been watching his 240 transform over this time, and think it is such an awesome (though expensive) hobby. So 3 months ago he rediscovered his forgotten nano, he asked if I wanted it, I did not hesitate to say "YES". We started the 12g JBJ nano DX using his rock, sand, and water. SHAZAM, instant nano. I have gone through many phases with the tank in a short amount of time. It is now exactly where I want it! It is a acan, goby dedicated tank. I have other corals in the tank but the acan own it. Needless to say I have a great teacher, though I put it together myself and do all the dirty work, and I am happy to have joined the hobby (though my wallet is not as happy). So I will post some pics of the new and improved gobygoddess nano now...let me know what you think!

New center piece, now my fav! pic does not do it justice!

New edition as well...

Acans, love it...




There it is folks! Not the most amazing but its mine and I looooove it! thanks for looking!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15444912#post15444912 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jimlad
Hi all iv just joined this site after reading books and scouting fourms for the last year.
I'm about to set up about a 37gal reef tank and would love any help i can get. Will set up a thread and post pics on progress so you can wag your finger at me when im getting it wrong.
many thanks
Jim (england)

hi-jim :)

welcome aboard
Re: Re: Another Desert Dwelling Aquarist

Re: Re: Another Desert Dwelling Aquarist

Thanks again for responding. Good news for me, bad news for LFS. I returned the $50 bio-balls, $50 worth of chlroinator and some other chemicals they sold me, and $100 worth of crushed coral. I don't think they were real happy about it, but they should have steered me in the right direction when I went in there. Quick (and probably dumb) question on the RO/DI system. Since I don't have a full-blown system for my house, and living in AZ I probably should have one, would one of the $200 range systems be adequate for both reef water and drinking water? I just spent 3 days reading through Beananimals epic on overflows and I think I'm going to implement his system on my un-drilled glass 70g. The doors on my stand are a little tight. I want to run a sump and fuge down there. This morning I tried to test fit a 24x12x12 cardboard box through the front doors. It fits and that's probably as big as I can fit without taking apart the back of the stand. If I were to custom build a sump 24x12x12, would I be able to build a fuge, say 12x12 and link the two since I can't get a 36" long box through the front door? Lastly, I mentioned starting a build thread. That's probably the best place for me to ask all these questions? Where is the best place to start my own build thread? Thanks again Cap'n!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15426960#post15426960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
Can you hang the overflow on one of the sides? This would allow you to setup your sump and refugium.

You should be purchasing an ro/di water filter and using only that water. A declorinator will not remove all the dissolved substances that are in your water including heavy metals and phosphates. Phosphates and nitrates are the key substances for fueling algae growth.

the most effecient biological filtration system in a marine tank is the live rock. You should have at least 85 lbs of it.

the other consideration is flow. You need between 10-20 times your tank volume in gph. If you purchased 2 koralia 3's you would get 1600 gph an hour from them and they are very reasonalbe priced.

I am glad you are checking things out on here---50 bucks for bioballs---which are about 15 bucks:eek2:
Bioballs are not as effecient as live rock--you are far better to invest your money in live rock--get a good filtration base that will last you forever.
Similarily you do not need the cannister filter if you have the right amount of live rock.

Cycling in a salt water tank is a little different then in a fresh water tank. In both cases we try to reduce the ammonia to nitrates. However to remove the nitrates we just do a water change in a fresh water tank. In a salt water tank the bacteria in the crevices and deep in the live rock reduce the nitrates for us.
Cannister filters, bioballs filter media only reduce ammonia to nitrates --this is why with live rock we don't need them.

For cycling, put your live rock in the tank and go away for three weeks leaving the tank alone and nature will cycle the bacteria:D ;)
Actually you should monitor the ammonia and nitrate levels. The ammonia will spike and go to zero, similarily the nitrate will do the same thing. At this point your tank is ready.
Some reefers prefer to do a water change when the ammonia spikes as to preserve the living things that hitch hike in on and in the live rock.

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join www.photobucket.com
upload your pictures there
copy and paste the "img" code under each picture to your posts here
when you submit your post the code will change to the picture

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>