If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello everyone!

I've been in the hobby for about 8 years now. I have a standard 29 with a 10 gallon sump and am currently cycling a 29 biocube. I also have a 55 gallon freshwater planted tank. I've stalked around the forum for a while and finally decided to join. I look forward to sharing my experience with you all while learning from you and growing in the hobby. Thanks!

hi All, new to this hobby.

Started 5g Pico tank few days ago and currently in cycling mode.

Hoping to learn lots of things from you guys. Thank you.
Hello :)

Hello :)

My name is Nikita, I am somewhat new to saltwater tanks, (a little over a year) however I have kept freshwater tanks for quite some time now. I got into saltwater a year ago with a 47 gallon bow front that started out with just a canister filter, fluval LED's and 1 power head, with mainly fish and a few softies. On that tank I now have a home made 30 gallon sump, Jebao WP40 wavemaker, homemade overflow, RODI w/ auto top off, protein skimmer, 400 WATT metal halides, etc... It is now predominately SPS with a few LPS as well, and since I ran out of room there I purchased a drilled 29 gallon fluval Nano which is now the new home for my softies. I also am going to be getting my husbands old 150 up and running soon, so yes for all those people that say this is addicting.. I KNOW! I joined RC just a couple weeks ago, I have been reading posts on here for a long time, but finally decided to join. Here are a few pics of my tanks:

29 Gallon Nano (Before and After Aquascaping)

47 Gallon Bow Front (This is an older pic and not the greatest)

If you are wondering about the lack of fish, that would be due to an unfortunate outbreak of ich after I moved and had to move both of the tanks. The fish all got extremely stressed, and despite best efforts, I lost most of them.
Hey everyone,
My name is Steve. I've always had the dream of having my own slice of the ocean to call my own but have never been able to in the past. Things have finally settled down for me to the point where I can finally fulfill me dream and get a saltwater aquarium going. Love RC and everyone here, an amazing resource and great community.:thumbsup:

My name is Jordon. I live in Florida. I have only recently picked up this hobby, and I am loving it. I lucked out on the setup I got for my first tank. I have taken on and adopted a 75 gallon reef tank. It came with the Rock and the ten year old clam. I have since added some things. I am probably going to have a few questions for you who have been at this for a while.



*I have cleaned the tank since then, that was before I took it on and cleaned it back up.


*These are "what I believe" to be my two female clownfish. The orange ones are mated, and the male is smaller from what I understand. There is another anemone in the tank, but these three Clownfish seem to be swingers and share this one anemone. If anyone has any thoughts on this, please let me know.

Hey I'm Javi, I live in Spain, looking for a 23 gallon tank with sump(90l.) I was wondering if anyone here know any shop o dealer who ships internationally.


Be water
Hi all, been a lurker on here for a while. Spent several years keeping planted freshwater tanks, but all these coral pics have always tempted me towards sw... that and the empty 90g in my basement whispering to me!

Looks like its time to work my way through the stickies, big thank you in advance to all the helpful people on RC!


Hello all, my name is Jason. I am very new to the hobby (set up tank yesterday lol). I have a 36 gal bowfront, live sand/rock, fluval 206 filter, coralife superskimmer. Really just looking for some advice on what to do!!! Thanks in advance
Hey, RC my name is fred. I have only been doing this for about 4 months. I have a 30g tall reef tank with a fluval 406 cannister led lighting plenty of live rock and a sand bed. I started collecting corals in a 10g reef tank and then got some fish boy did things change...
Im having some problems with my tank. i will gladly appreciate some info.
I started my tank Jan. 2 2014. I've had freshwater in the past but always wanted a saltwater. So, 2014 is a new year and here I go. So far my tank (22gal) has cycled well and weekly checks are all ok. The only problem is my Calcium levels are consistently low. I started with Instant Ocean Reef water and use a Reef Stabilizer and Calcium additive weekly. I added more live rock yesterday because I think it will help with the biological filtration and my tank was a little bare. I am also wondering if my Marineland Single LED lighting system is enough. It is on 12 hrs a day then the blue LED during the night. Any suggestions?


I have had a 55 gallon reef tank for about 6 years but have had a maintenance company take care of it. I just retired and want to start taking care of it myself. I know what needs to be measured but I don't know how to make chemical corrections. Is there a kit of chemical supplies and testing I should have?
Hi I'm Al

I have been taking care of my Fathers Aquarium for some time now and am looking forward to learning lots from all of you.
Hey everyone, they call me rich :L been looking after fish for a while but finally just started my marine aqaurium, I got a fluval m90, mixed the water in the tank and salt which was easier than I thought :L added aragonite sand which is fine and made everything cloudy lol so left it for a week and a bit then introduced the live rock the other day :) just waiting for the cycle to start now lol


That was the tank for two weeks because of the sand


Rock put it on Saturday


Then last night the tank :)

I'm pretty happy with it :) lovely looking tank, I switched the power head from left to right as all crap was staying to the right as no water movement, however now since the power head the right side it pushes all the crap straight into the back compartment,

Specific gravity is 1.023/4
Ph is around 8.2
Temp is 26 however notice in morning it goes down to 25, any tips? I wondering whether it xos the rock needs to warm up n stuff but not to sure lol

Anyways hope you all like the tank, if you got any tips that be great :)
Take care
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Hey everyone, they call me rich :L been looking after fish for a while but finally just started my marine aqaurium, I got a fluval m90, mixed the water in the tank and salt which was easier than I thought :L added aragonite sand which is fine and made everything cloudy lol so left it for a week and aintroduced the live
Hello guys, my name is Juan and I live in Orlando Fl, I have been in the reef hobby for over 7 years and have two fully stocked reef tanks, a 72 gallon bowfront and a 57 gallon rimiless, glad to be part of a community of such knowledgeable reefers.
Hi. My name is Gerry. I am very new to the hobby and looking forward to learning as much as I can about saltwater reef tanks as possible. Anything that can be passed on that would make the learning process easier would be greatly appreciated. I've already read some very interesting posts from other members experiences and hope to learn from them and what they have learned. I look forward to getting to know the members on this site as time goes on. Keep up the great work everyone, there are a lot of us newbies out here who are learning from you! :)
Hello all, I am very new to this hobby, my fiancée had a fresh water 39 G tank with a very large gold fish for years. We moved to a new house and the fish didn't make the move. The tank was sitting there for months so I decided to go get a new stand for it and start it up again. Ended up getting a 36 bow front with stand, and I am leaning towards going salt water. The fiancée is saying no to this due to potential costs. I will continue to do research to inform her, and educate her and myself.