I have to say she is right... haha I started a 47 gallon bow front a little over a year ago... since then I have spent over 10,000 while a lot of that is fish and coral, it is also the chemicals, the pumps, lights and one thing I never thought of.. my electric bill!! The problem is it is so addicting that I ended up starting a second tank, and between the two my electric bill went up an additional 100$ a month! However I have to say it is well worth it... I absolutely love the hobby, and love learning as much as I can about it. There have been days that I have considered throwing in the towel (like the day I came home and every fish in my tank was dead...) but I just couldn't. I just started back at square one. I am not trying to turn you off to the hobby by any means, I just figured I would give my honest opinion. However even if I knew then what I knew now, I still would have done it. It is so much more fun than freshwater. My fiancé and I sometimes sit in front of the tank for hours and every time we do, we discover something new. hope this was helpful.