If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi RC, I'm Mark and I'm new to the sw game. I've had fresh water tanks for 30yrs or more. I've been researching sw and have been putting it off due to the expense of starting up. Well, I got a Nuvo 38G aio tank with an IM skimmer. I set everything up on Saturday with 15lbs of live rock and 20lbs of dry. Now I'm waiting for it to cycle. Planning on adding some coral and a clearner crew next week. Very excited and it's become a family project.
introducing myself

introducing myself

Hi all, I'm new here my name is Shalom, I'm from Israel.
I am new to the salt water tanks and started a marine tank 2 months ago.
my tank is 66 gal, have Tetra EX1200 filter, BUBBLE-MAGUS NAC5 skimmer, Sicce Voyager Flow Pumps With Rotating Deflector, air pump, heater.
at the moment i have artificial rocks , planing on getting real live rocks
fishes i have in the tank are:
6 Percula Clownfish
2 Black & white clown fish
3 Yellowtail Damselfish
2 Blue Damselfish
1 Longfin Bannerfish
1 Koran Angelfish
1 Clown Sweetlips
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Golden Coris Wrasse
1 Red Coris Wrasse
Hi everyone I am new to RC and back in the hobby OMG lots of changes in equipment, I am up in Alaska any one up here let me know who you are
Hello all, I am Taylor. I am brand new to salt water and have been reading about it constantly for the past week or so. I've had freshwater in the past, and am looking forward to joining the SW fun. I am planning a nano reef setup, and understand the issues that can come from this. Unfortunately right now I don't have the space for a larger setup, but can't wait to get started. I have already read most of the new to the hobby forum and am looking forward to reading more before I get started on my tank.
Hello everyone (and Fellow Newbies). I'm Tam and we are in the process of setting up a 37 gallon reef tank. Someday we will have the huge show piece that a lot of you have, but for now, this is our little display tank. I'm hoping that I can have some softies and LPS and a few fish.

Going sumpless right now due to poor planning on my part with the stand - here's a beginning picture. About a week and a half into the initial cycling now. The new light and all the good testing supplies will be here this week.

Hey Everybody

Hey Everybody

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say hi. I'm Ty from Florida. Been in the hobby for about 8 years, have had few different tanks. (125, 180, 3 -12's) currently have a 65 gallon reef all LED's, with 20 gallon sump. Wanted to downsize and set it up the right way. Also breed pods and culture phytoplankton. Just wanted to say hi to everybody... Been a member just have never been active. Changing that now. Happy Reefing !
Hello all kindiof new to the hobby I have had fresh water for a long time and got moved into salt by a tank rescue, so I will have alot of ?s thanks for such a great forum.
Hey im jay ive got my second tank now a solana 34 seamless and i know quite a bit of reefkeeping but does anyone know of any clubs or groups in the hampton roads/ chesapeake area of VA?


I just got mostly set up with gear for a 30g reef tank with sump this past weekend. It's mostly setup...still need to set up the refugeum and pick out a skimmer. Good times.
New to Reef Central, not so new to saltwater. Had a very successful 20 gal setup, but left it behind with the g/f.
Starting over with a 10gal setup. So far, both my initial setups have been super easy. No problems, no chemistry issues. Just good luck?
Hey everyone!
My name is Gabriel, I'm new to RC and to Saltwater tanks. I've had FW tanks many years ago as a kid and I've always been fascinated. Especially that I live in The Florida Keys. I've been surrounded by saltwater all my life and love the ocean.
Just bought a 60 Gallon Hexagonal tank with a 20g sump, rio pump, with a T5 and 10k bulbs. Haven't set it up yet, but looking to do that in the next weeks.

Looking to make it a reef tank with some fish and inverts.
Good Morning everyone.... Im going to say I am a newbie again.... I had 3 tanks about 3 Yr ago (30 Gal fresh , 10 gal Puffer, 29 Gal biocube )Shut eveything down divorce :-) ~ Still upset about my tanks! Hmmmp :-)
so Im starting out again... I have a 7 Gal fresh cube ( i only have a lava snail ~ thinking shrimp tank and a frog )
I kept my Biocube and realize I forgot pretty much everything, apparently sold alot of
stuff and OH My have things changed...

I have been reading my face off for weeks now...

I think I have my new equipment list - Tunz 9002 is a must ( I bounced around a few but I am set on the Tunze ~ I used to have the biocube skimmer and never was impressed- But options then were limited unless I made a sump)

I will upgrade my lighing in a year or sooner... I just replace ALL My lights...

Now one confusing question.... For me anyhow... DO I try to set up a light and chemo in the back or just go with a reactor - either "Innovative Marine MiniMax All-In-One Media Reactor " or Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor 150 Package ~ Im not shur the mini and the skimer would all fit in the back... ?? So I would be OK with the Little fishie on the out side

I got another tap water filter and will add water and live sand after I replace the propeller for my pump... :-/ when I get the skimmer when I get skimmer and other stuff I can start with the live rock...

So... Hi ALL !
Hi all I'm Katherinemac. I love animals, but my current life situation only allows for fish keeping. I did not anticipate how hard I would fall for these little creatures. A lifelong romance has begun.
Hi! I'm a born-again-newbie. I had a 55g flat back hex with fish and soft coral about 6/7 years ago. I just ordered a 14g biocube and I want to do hard and soft coral with some fish this time. Wish me luck!
Mine name is Maurice. I'm from Springfield Missouri. I've had freshwater tanks most of my life. Looked into saltwater a few years back but the price of lighting scared me off. I took the plunge this past June and bought a 55 off Craigslist. A few months later I upgraded to my 150.
Hello all, I'm Kevin. I have been involved in this hobby for ~15 years. I started out with a 55g FO with a HOB floss filter. This has led me to my present 100g DT with a 20g fuge, AI SOL Blue lighting, mixed reef. I think I have made every mistake possible in this hobby, yet still stick to it. I am fascinated every time I look at my tank. I am in the process of upgrading to a larger (125 or 220?) tank. I am still planning but hope to have a build thread like some of the ones I have read here.

I am completely amazed at the build threads, and love seeing how others do it. I am even more amazed at the fact that, it seems, I have learned more in the last month of reading here, than in all the years prior trying to pick up knowledge at my LFS.

This forum has helped make me even more enthused for my hobby.


Hi all, my name is Jason.

Was into this hobby with my dad around 20 years ago. He did most of the stuff (care, cleaning, stocking) in a 75gal salt tank.
I have decided to try it out on my own for now with a Cadlights Mini 8g, canister filter & Coralife nano skimmer.
Rock & sand from TBS
Here I am

Here I am

My name's Ryan. Aquaria has been a hobby of mine for about 5 years now but up until now I've been doing strictly freshwater (tanks and ponds). For the past couple of years however, I've been very interested in saltwater. So I've done my homework and have started a 75 gallon reef tank. I'm using an Aqueon tank with a custom acrylic 30 gallon sump/refugium. I have a 6 bulb T5 light (3 12k, 3 actinic, 20 actinic leds), a power compact fuge light, 2 Koralia wave makers with Hydor controller, Reef Octopus NWB110 skimmer, Reef Octopus media reactor with a 50/50 carbon GFO mix, Danner MagDrive 18 pump, and a JBJ auto top off system. As for substrate, I'm using 100lbs of live sand and 100lbs of dry base rock seeded with about 5lbs of live rock. I'm about to begin cycling within the next week or so (super excited!) as soon as I finish plumbing the tank, perform a freshwater leak test, and prep my water. I'm trying a few things differently than I've seen others do, so after I've been up and running for a few weeks, I'll probably post video to youtube as long as everything goes to plan. Feel free to give me any input that you might have as I fully accept my role as a newbie and welcome advice from those that have been at this for a while.