Good Morning everyone.... Im going to say I am a newbie again.... I had 3 tanks about 3 Yr ago (30 Gal fresh , 10 gal Puffer, 29 Gal biocube )Shut eveything down divorce

~ Still upset about my tanks! Hmmmp

so Im starting out again... I have a 7 Gal fresh cube ( i only have a lava snail ~ thinking shrimp tank and a frog )
I kept my Biocube and realize I forgot pretty much everything, apparently sold alot of
stuff and OH My have things changed...
I have been reading my face off for weeks now...
I think I have my new equipment list -
Tunz 9002 is a must ( I bounced around a few but I am set on the Tunze ~ I used to have the biocube skimmer and never was impressed- But options then were limited unless I made a sump)
I will upgrade my lighing in a year or sooner... I just replace ALL My lights...
Now one confusing question.... For me anyhow... DO I try to set up a light and chemo in the back or just go with a reactor - either "Innovative Marine MiniMax All-In-One Media Reactor " or Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor 150 Package ~ Im not shur the mini and the skimer would all fit in the back... ?? So I would be OK with the Little fishie on the out side
I got another tap water filter and will add water and live sand after I replace the propeller for my pump... :-/ when I get the skimmer when I get skimmer and other stuff I can start with the live rock...
So... Hi ALL !