Sorry to hear he didn't make it. Sometimes an individual just doesn't adapt and survive. My first try with a declivis ended the same way.
That's somewhat comforting, I hate losing a fish.
Sorry to hear he didn't make it. Sometimes an individual just doesn't adapt and survive. My first try with a declivis ended the same way.
When they eat well but wither away and die in the first month or two, I generally suspect poisoning at capture (cyanide) or trauma during capture and transport (left in hot sun, ammonia in transport water, etc. ). Sometimes there is nothing you can do.
LOL, sorry... I know people get used to avatars here after a while.
No problem, where is that picture from?
Cool, there is a Chaetodon quadrimaculatus on DD that has your name on it
Big news for the tank! I added the pair of flame angels, two spot hogfish, and the powder blue tang from the reef to the FO. I can't tell you what a breath of fresh air that PBT brings to the colors of the fish in the tank.
Could you please tell me what fish is the one that is yellos with black on the top? He is in your second tank shot on the bottom right.
Thank you