My 240g FOWLR

It didn't eat anything I offered and unfortunately passed.

Sorry bud...I wish u had some better news to report. I would like to try one. I'm thinking maybe if I could get my hands on a steady supply of cheap sps, maybe I could keep him alive long enough to ween him onto to other food... I'm sure it's a pipe dream tho.
Is your Asfurs HLLE acquired thru copper for certain? Is the use of carbon really a risk for HLLE? Do you use carbon?

Yes, the HLLE happened during copper treatment. I do use carbon, but I don't tumble it.
Oh no...any ideas? Know anybody that might perform an autopsy? Do you suspect these deaths are linked to the other losses too?
It's been a pretty good **** storm here lately. Lost the other declivis, lost the burgessi, and even lost one of the tink's in QT. Leave it to me to get a pathogen that kills the really hardy, yet really expensive roaops.... :( My number one guess is brook, judging by symptoms. But I'm really not sure.
Nothing, really. The remaining tink in QT is under copper and nitrofuracin green powder, and I have formalin for dips.

No one shows any symptoms of anything in the diplay... I can't fix it if I don't know what's broken. Just one day one fish will stop eating, and be dead in 3 days. I've never really seen anything like it, and am at a loss.
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That's exactly what happened to my potters angel. I suspected some kind of internal complication because there was nothing on the exterior of the fish to suggest anything else.

He'd been in my care for a year or more. Properly quarantined and everything.